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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!


2012 is on it's way and we have yet another season of Big Brother ahead of us! I've been busy working on the Big Brother 14 Blog and it's up & ready to go! So head on over and don't forget to BOOKMARK THE BLOG while you're there! As always, you can find the blog by simply typing in!

Have a SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!!!! :D

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!! Tis the season for shopping madness, homecooked meals & lots of baked goodies!

From Bella & I, we wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas!! :D

PS: Only about 6 1/2 more months until BB14 begins!! It'll be here before ya know it! ;)

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are you the biggest BB fan? (Contest)

Happy Holidays, BB fans!! :D Hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are getting into the Christmas spirit!!

Before I get to the BB fan contest details, I wanna share a little bit of info with you guys & gals:

It appears that Rachel (winner of BB13), and her fiance' Brendon, will be on the next season of The Amazing Race! They begin filming this Saturday. on to the contest.

I was asked by Chelsia of BB9 to help spread the word to you guys about a search for Big Brother's Biggest Fan, so here's the scoop: is searching the biggest BB fan and the winner will win 1 year of the Big Brother Live Feeds!! Now that's one heck of a prize!

(Click the pic for more info.)

In other BB news...
Big Brother 14 is slated to begin on July 5th, 2012, which is just 8 months away! Let the countdown begin!!!! :D w00t w00t!

And last, but not least..

Off topic:
I just started selling my homemade jewlery online, so if you like unique & cool necklaces (and made by yours truly), then check'em out! :)

Jamie Lynn Jewelry's Facebook Page

Okay my lil addicts, that's all for now. I'll keep posting as I get stuff in! ;)

Stay tuned...
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Hello, BB addicts! :)

Hello to all of you BB addicts out there!! It's been a crazy month, so I haven't had much time to do an update on things. Now that I'm stuck at home with the flu, I figured now would be the perfect time to do a blog update. (Just for the record, I got the flu a few days after getting the flu shot. I hear this happens a lot. Let me know if that's happened to you as well..just curious.)

Here's some quickie updates:

*Evel Dick is newly engaged (Congrats!) She's the blonde in this pic..

*Dani Donato is home and back to her normal life of lounging with her "kids"...

(Pic was posted on her twitter.)

*Jeff seems to also be back to his normal life. He posted this pic of him and his boys at a Bears game on Sept 25th:

*Rachel and Brendon were on The Bold & the Beautiful. (Here's an article about it.)

*Speaking of Rachel, she's been super busy working out..a lot! get into tip top shape for her wedding.

And if you still have the live feeds/superpass, then ya gotta login and check out Brendon/Rachel and Jeff/Jordan doing "The Newlywed Game", along with a few other fun clips!!

Okay, that's it for now guys & gals!! :) Hope y'all are having a great Fall season!! Don't forget to follow me on twitter!!


Stay tuned...
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quickie Update

Hey guys & gals! :D Figured I'd drop in to do a quickie update. I've been busy trying to get back to my own reality (working, paying bills, etc) so I haven't had much time to sit down and do a post until now.

Okay, so I've been checking out twitter here & there and from doing that, I've learned that Rachel DID NOT get married after all. They are still engaged and planning their wedding. Rumor on the street is that they're shopping around for someone to make their wedding planning adventure into a show, so you might just see Rachel & Brendon back on your tv soon!

Also in Rachel/Brendon news...
Rachel's been working out a lot in preparation for her wedding and enjoying life, $500,000 richer. Here's a couple pics that she posted on twitter...

Rachel/Brendon doing a rope course on Sept 23rd:

Also on Sept. 23rd, Rachel & Brendon did filming for a guest appearance on the soap opera 'The Bold & the Beautiful'. (Not sure when it'll air. I'll have to dig around for that info.) Here's a pic of the happy couple during filming on B & B:

In other BB news...
Jeff is back in Chicago (he went back on Sept 19th) and is getting back to his normal life as well.

And last, but not least..
There's a TON of awesome things happening on the live feeds (aka Superpass)! Here's the schedule:

(Click the pic to enlarge.)

And here's a teaser video of JeJo/Brenchel's "Couples Week" coming up in Seattle!

Well fellow addicts, that's it for now! :D I'll keep posting here on the blog & on Twitter whenever info comes along!

Stay tuned...
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just an update :)

Happy Saturday, BB fans!! :D I took yesterday off because I needed a full 24 hours without BB. lol But I'm back & I figured I'd do a quick post on what's going on in the BB world.

Okay, first things first...

If you missed the Backyard Interviews on finale night, they're now available on Superpass. Go to "Big Brother", then "Finale Coverage" to get to them. :)

Next on the list..

Here are three clips from Rachel being on "The Talk" with Julie Chen.

Interview with Rachel:

Zingbot makes an appearance:

Rachel & Sara Gilbert go head to head in a comp:

And in case you missed the news announcement, Rachel & Brendon are getting married this weekend! It was reported just about everywhere, including on
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Here's what Rachel tweeted late last night:

On their way to go tie the knot! (Girl, please get a pre-nup!)

UDPATED: Rumors are flying around now that Rachel/Brendon will NOT be getting married this weekend after all.

Okay guys & gals, that's it for today but I'll keep posting new info as I get it! Have a great weekend!!:D

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday: Post Finale (*UPDATED!!)

Happy Thursday, BB fans!! :D Whatta season BB13 was!! We have Rachel as the winner of $500,000 (Congrats, Rach!!), Porsche took 2nd place of $50,000, and Jeff won America's Choice & received $25,000!

While I start my own personal BB detox, I figured I'd come back to the blog for a quick update.

Rachel will be on 'The Talk' with Julie Chen today (2pm EST, but check your local listings.)

Rachel was on The Talk and they brought the Zingbot on the show! Then Rachel played a game called "Slop Till You Drop" and won her honeymoon for 2 to Aruba for 6 nights/7 days!! Congrats, Rachel!!

Here are a few pics I took of the show today to hold y'all over until the video is uploaded on

Rachel on the show:

Zingbot makes an appearance:

Rachel playing a comp called "Slop Till You Drop":

Also, here's an interview with Rachel on

If you have the live feeds, here's the schedule that they're showing:

Stay tuned...
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BB13: Backyard Interviews

Alright, guys & gals..the live feeds are now broadcasting the Backyard Interviews so if you have the live feeds, turn'em on!! :D

First houseguest to be interviewed is Keith!

Keith said that he would still have picked Porsche as a partner..newbies for life! He said the cows comp was embarrassing (when he was humping during the comp lol). He was arrogant (shocker!) and said that he was the most physically fit in the house & thinks he was voted out 1st because he was such a physical threat.

He also said that Adam was the biggest floater in the house, but a good floater. He said he would have voted for Porsche and again said "newbies for life". When asked if he would do BB again, he said yes. He then pimped out his email for the ladies..he's single. (**Oh, dear. lol)

Next up, Dominic!

He said that he's happy that Rachel won & that she's a sweet girl. When asked, he said that him & Cassi are like "brother/sister".

He also said that he was shocked that Rachel won because she was such a big target. If he could go back in time, he would have worked with Jeff. He was very shocked that Rachel picked Porsche over Adam for Final 2. He thought she should've took Adam. He would have voted for Rachel if he had a vote. Porsche floated through half of the game and "did nothing". By the way, he's single & "ready to mingle", ladies! ;)

And next, we have Kalia!

She said the duos twist was her "biggest nightmare" but that her and Lawon are "amazing friends". She then said that she loved/hated golden keys.

When asked, she said that Dani was wealth of info and that she taught her that you can go into the BB house and make friends. Kalia said that Dani made her "stronger" and play less emotionally. She loved playing the game with her and wish she could've played the game with her longer. She thinks that Adam and Shelly were the biggest floaters in the house & that Rachel might be a great girl out of the house.

Kalia said that she thinks Rachel & other vets were scared of her (because Rachel said in her Final 2 speech that Kalia would have won the game).

11:55pm EST:
Cassi is up next!!

Cassi said that she was so happy that she was shown as the nice person that she is. She was afraid of editing. She said it was "bitter sweet" sitting at home watching BB. She said she missed it. She said she talked to Dom the most after getting out of the house because being on BB is an experience that only those on the show can relate to.

Cassi said she was shocked at Shelly's game (eg: lying, throwing people under the bus including Cassi), but she doesn't fault her for playing the game. When asked if she thinks that Dominic is really a virgin, she said yea and that he's truly a sweet guy and flirtatious.

She said she wishes that BB would have put more of her game play in the shows but said she'd do BB again "in a heartbeat". When asked, Cassi said she regretted being paired up with Shelly and wishes she had a different partner. "Coulda, shoulda, woulda."

When asked, Cassi said that she does not think Rachel got her out of the house based on game play.

Up next, is Jordo!

She said that Rachel is an awesome girl and Brendon is so funny and nice and never thought they'd work so well together..JoChel. She said she played the same way as her season...laid low, threw some comps, got her far.

She didn't really think she could win for the 2nd time, she wanted Jeff to win this season. She's happy he won jury prize, though. When asked, she said she's most proud of giving Shelly the call from home.

She said that her and Shelly are drama at all.

She was just told about Porsche lacing the muscle milk with benefiber:

Jordan said "That is SO MEAN!" She had no idea.

Jordan said that her & Jeff have to talk about who's gonna move where (they still live in different states). She thinks she's a better player with Jeff and would never do BB without him. She said she loves Rachel and will definitely keep in contact with her.

Next up, Lawon!

(**I'm gonna take a break real quick.)

Up next, is Porsche!

When asked about the benefiber incident, Porsche said she was bored one night and didn't know the effects. The host said "Ask Jordan". lol Said Dani/Kalia "guided her" and she was just doing something to pass the time.

**I'm bouncing back & forth from Superpass Backyard Interviews, and Evel Dick's backyard interviews on (Right now, he's interviewing Kalia and she claims she didn't eat that much this season. lol Dick laughed.)

Next up, is Dani!

Dani said she was NOT shocked that Rachel won. She knew Rachel would win against either Porsche or Adam. She also said that Rachel deserved to be in Final 2.

She said she "adores" Dominic and that he's a sweetheart. She said that the golden key is why she went to the jury house. She then said that her move to get Jeff out was too early. She said she's gonna take "so many friends" from this season, unlike in BB8.

When asked, she said that Rachel is a floater and was "the biggest floater in the house" but she respects her game because it got to the end..BUT, that she talks about hating floaters, when she's a floater herself.

And now it's time for Jeff!

He said him & Jordan are "gonna take the next step" and that they're moving in together! He said this season was harder than BB11 and more stressful. (Jeff's voice is raspy like he's losing his voice.) He said that him & Shelly are good now and that they had time to decompress in jury.

He must know about the death threats at Shelly because she said he didn't want any fans from the show to be mad at Shelly for making a move & getting him out.

Jeff said that Rachel has a "big, big heart" and that him & Brendon are great friends, even in the jury house. When asked if he'd do BB again, he said "Never say never" and that's it SO STRESSFUL in the house, a lot harder than what it looks like.

Jeff said that him and Jordan are "very comfortable" in their feelings and don't feel that they have to display their affection everywhere. "She's the ying to my yang." He also said he's not going to the Vegas Bash this year but they (J/J) will be at the wrap party tomorrow.

**Alright guys, I'm outty for the night!! I'll be back tomorrow to post some more BB stuff. Have a great night, everyone!! :D

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