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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quickie Update

Hey guys & gals! :D Figured I'd drop in to do a quickie update. I've been busy trying to get back to my own reality (working, paying bills, etc) so I haven't had much time to sit down and do a post until now.

Okay, so I've been checking out twitter here & there and from doing that, I've learned that Rachel DID NOT get married after all. They are still engaged and planning their wedding. Rumor on the street is that they're shopping around for someone to make their wedding planning adventure into a show, so you might just see Rachel & Brendon back on your tv soon!

Also in Rachel/Brendon news...
Rachel's been working out a lot in preparation for her wedding and enjoying life, $500,000 richer. Here's a couple pics that she posted on twitter...

Rachel/Brendon doing a rope course on Sept 23rd:

Also on Sept. 23rd, Rachel & Brendon did filming for a guest appearance on the soap opera 'The Bold & the Beautiful'. (Not sure when it'll air. I'll have to dig around for that info.) Here's a pic of the happy couple during filming on B & B:

In other BB news...
Jeff is back in Chicago (he went back on Sept 19th) and is getting back to his normal life as well.

And last, but not least..
There's a TON of awesome things happening on the live feeds (aka Superpass)! Here's the schedule:

(Click the pic to enlarge.)

And here's a teaser video of JeJo/Brenchel's "Couples Week" coming up in Seattle!

Well fellow addicts, that's it for now! :D I'll keep posting here on the blog & on Twitter whenever info comes along!

Stay tuned...
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