There's two new things that I need to report...
1) Britney Haynes from BB12 posted this on Twitter:

2) A 49 second clip of Julie Chen on Entertainment Tonight in Canada giving the house tour showed Mrs. Chen stating the following:
Hmm!!! What does that mean??!!
Okay, so I guess we don't have to wait until the house tour with Julie Chen to see the backyard, outside the HOH, and the living room because those pics (and more!) have just been released!!!
Psss...just a quick reminder, y'all only have *8 MORE DAYS* to get the Early Bird Special!! Get the live feeds now, save $10!!
Also, I know all of you lil addicts out there are anxious to see the BB13 cast pictures, but you're gonna have to wait just a little bit longer..they will be released in 2 days, on the 30th!
Let's get to the pics, shall we? :D
Big Brother 13 House Pics: Part 2
Backyard patio, complete with new comfy looking seating & a brick floor...

Loving the graffiti on the backyard walls! (..and no that does *not* say "Evil", it says "Evikshan", as in "eviction".)

Outside the HOH room is the chess board & 2 park-style benches...

The spiral staircase that leads up to the HOH room is now caged in...(anyone else think one of the HG's is gonna try to climb that? lol)

The living room has a modern feel, with a rug made of fake grass...

Now, we've already have seen the HOH room, candy themed bedroom, the dinning room, and lounge room, but here are a couple more pics to show more details of all 4 rooms (there's been a few changes)...
The candy room is still the same from yesterdays pic...

The HOH room no longer has any orange pillows or throw blanket (or orange anything, for that matter), the headboard has been removed, the brick wall has now been replaced by modern looking faux wood panels & blue on the walls, the table has been replaced, and the 2 lounge chairs have also been swapped out with more modern looking chairs.

A more detailed look at the lounge room...

And another view of the dining area/kitchen...

Okay, so we got surfboards, a candy themed bedroom, a fortune teller machine in the lounge room, graffiti on walls in the backyard, park benches by the chess board, and a couple of modern-looking rooms (such as the HOH room, bedroom #1, and the living room)...I think it's pretty safe to say that there is no consistant "theme" to the house, although I will say this much about the BB13 house; there's a lot of f*@#ing bikes up in that place!! lol :P
Alright, so that's it for house pics!! Next up, we meet the cast of Big Brother 13 on Thursday (June 30th), so make sure to come back for pics & bios!! :D
Stay tuned...
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