(And it looks as if there will be 14 HG's this season by the number of spots on the memory wall and place settings at the dining room table!!)
This is what we will see on the live feeds all summer long!!
The Big Brother 13 House:
The entry way, kitchen and dining room...

The kitchen...

14 spots on the Memory Wall & 14 place settings! :D...

The Lounge (that's a fortune teller machine in the left corner)...

The house bathroom...

Bedroom #1...

Bedroom #2, "The Candy Room" (my favorite!!)...

The luxurious HOH Room, complete with a fish tank in the corner...

The HOH bathroom...

That's all the pictures of the BB13 house!! Sadly we're gonna have to wait to see the backyard, which is said to be a "Venice Beach" theme. And the Have-Not's room has also yet to be revealed, as well as the living room.
Okay, so what do y'all think? What's your favorite room(s) in the house? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below!
I'm totally digging the Summer/Boardwalk theme in the house. Surf boards on the wall, candy wrapper beds, the fortune teller booth in the lounge...love it!!
More news, pics, and videos to be posted as they come in, so stay tuned!
Stay tuned...
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