In case you missed the post, the "Early Bird Special" is going on right NOW! Get the live feeds before the show starts and save yourself $10! But hurry, this deal ends at 11:59pm on July 6th!!
Speaking of the live feeds, today (Tuesday June 21st) is the 1st "Rumor Control" show with BB8's Danielle, and BB11's Ragan at 6pm/EST!!

Only way to watch it is to get the live feeds!
In other news...
Press Day inside the new BB house was yesterday and if you're an NCIS fan, then you'll love this next nugget of info...
Pauley Perrette from NCIS was part of the press day crew on June 20th & hosted a competition for the press competitors. This was made public via twitter:

Us BB fans will get all the juicy details from what happened on Press Day on June 28th, so stay tuned for that info.
Also, according to Evel Dick (winner of BB8), he's predicting that the BB13 HG's will be "taken away from their lives" and go into sequester this weekend (25th-26th).
Okay so we got Press Day, talks of sequester, and 2 weeks until BB13 starts...I'm predicting a TON of Big Brother 13 news will be released very, very soon!!! ;)
*happy dance!!
Pssst...don't forget to follow the blog on Twitter & Facebook!!
Stay tuned...
Need to get the live feeds? Get'em right here!!
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