Good morning & Happy Friday to all of you BB addicts out there! We now have *LESS* than 2 weeks to go before the premiere of Big Brother 13 on July 7th!! w00t w00t!! :D
Just a reminder, the
"Early Bird Special" is *still* going on! Snag the feeds for just $29.99 (save $10!!) After BB13 starts, the price goes back to $15/month, so save yourself some cash and get'em
cheap while ya can! :D
**NOTE: if you're getting a "proxy error" message when signing up, lower your security level on your anti-virus program just a notch & then try again. This is a common problem with anti-viruses software. If you're still having problems and/or have questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below!)
On this past Tuesday, the
live feeds showed the very 1st (of 3) "Rumor Control" shows with Danielle (BB8) and Ragan (BB12).

Ragan was GREAT as a host! He was funny, witty, gave some good opinions, and was just awesome! Danielle, on the other hand..well..she was kinda rude at times (which was disappointing since I've been a fan of hers for years now). When a caller asked
"What's your father doing right now?", her response was
"Why don't ask you him yourself?" Not the warmest reponse in the world. Ragan later on said that Danielle & Evel Dick's relationship is once again "strained" (which I was sorry to hear), so maybe that had something to do with her not-so-nice response.
I took some notes from the live "Rumor Control" show for those of you who didn't get to watch it:
*Ragan hopes to see
"hot messes" on the show, like Rachel. (lol)
*Danielle thinks that girls on BB typically don't work well together because they're too catty, and that's why guys win BB nearly every season. She's hoping that BB13 will be a female-driven season.
*Shockingly, Ragan is now friends with Brendon and Rachel!
*Ragan (jokingly) said he's still waiting for Matt to leave Stacy and come live with him in California. (lol)
*Dani said that "obviously" showmances are not good game play.
*Dani said she got down to 99 lbs (from being on slop) during BB8. Ragan said he got down to his
"birth weight" from being on slop.
*Ragan wants the new HG's to
"wait" to form alliances.."give it a lil bit of time. You don't know peoples personally right out of the box". (**I couldn't agree more!!)
*Dani said she likes to see
"witty girls" on BB, like Britney in her Diary Room sessions.
*Ragan thinks BB could bring back 1 former HG this season...maybe someone who have had
"bad luck in their season", someone that didn't make jury. Dani disagreed.
*Ragan: "The 'Have-Nots' room should smell REALLY B.O.!"
*When asked by a caller if they'd ever do an All Stars season, Ragan said he'd definitely do it in a heartbeat! Dani said she would as well and that if anyone (that's been on BB) said no, then
"they'd be lying".
*Danielle said she thinks Hayden deserved to win BB. (Hmm...that one, I don't agree with but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.)
*There were talks about a "couples" All-Stars (whenever All Stars happens again) *Dick/Dani, Matt/Ragan, Jeff/Jordan, etc etc. Ragan said that it'd be hard to trust Matt in a couples all stars season because of BB12.
All in all, it was a really fun show to watch! If you missed it, you can always watch the reply on the
live feeds. There will be *2 more shows* of Rumor Control before BB13 starts (which I will not be covering here on the blog), so make sure to check'em out!

Also to keep you entertained until BB13 starts, is
"Happy Hour" with BB9's Chelsia and Missy every
Thursday at 3pm PT / 6pm ET!

Okay my lil addicts, that's it for now!
Stay tuned...
Need to get the live feeds? Get'em right here!!
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