This week is pretty simple: Kalia wins the veto, Porsche goes home. Kalia doesn't win veto, Kalia's going home.
If this is your first time visiting the blog today, then ya need to scroll down 1 post! The HG's, minus Rachel, got a clothing luxury comp, hosted by Tori Spelling, where they had 3 minutes to pick out anything they wanted!! They picked out some hats, dresses, shoes, ties, jackets, and scarfs.

(Picture Source:
Where was Rachel during all of this? Well she was stuck up in Pandora's Box in the HOH room with former BB houseguest, Jesse! lol But don't worry, he gave her some lovely parting gifts as well..including a workout candle (yes, you read that right lol), signed pictures, workout gear for her & the rest of the HG's, and even a framed picture of himself. Awww how sweet! ;) hehe
As soon as the Nomination Ceremony comes back, I'll post the spoiler below!

Jordan: "Worst thing that can happen is Kalia winning veto."
Rachel: "Worst possible scenario: if Kalia wins veto, then wins HOH."
Jordan leaves so that Rachel can nap. They're gonna study house facts/events later tonight. Jordan's gonna go nap, too.
Meanwhile, Kalia/Porsche are saying that they hope that if Adam wins the veto, he'll take one of them off the block & that if he didn't, it'd make him a target.
**Alright, I'm outty for the night!! If anything major happens, I'll update this post. Otherwise, enjoy the live feeds!!! :D
Stay tuned...
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