Well guys, here we are again..wrapping up yet another fantastic season of Big Brother! But fear not, BB14 is already on its way and before you know it, we'll all be gathered back here on the blog, gearing up for another season of lying, backstabbing, crying, fighting and everything else that we love about this crazy game!
I want to personally thank EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU for spending the BB13 season with me! :D New 'addicts' and returning 'addicts' alike, you all made the season awesome!! I have read each and every comment, opened up every single email from some of you, and read (and often re-tweeted) some of your comments via twitter. I've been around the web and let me tell you..this blog has the BEST BB FANS by far!!! You guys are funny, witty, insightful, and full of opinions that often times would make us think from other points of views.
I'd also like to say a HUGE thank you to those who have helped keep the blog alive by making a donation and/or by signing up for the live feeds through the blog this season!!! You guys & gals are the ONLY reason that I can blog every season! Without your support, I wouldn't be able to! So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Some people that I want to thank specifically are: the Chat Room Moderators (Sassy, Shadow, Topher, Ellie), and a double 'thank you!' to Shadow for also helping me moderate the facebook group page as well! I appreciate all the time you guys have put in this season and the blog would not be the same without y'all! And Brian...how could I forget Brian in the comments section! You are my sidekick here on the blog & I appreciate you answering questions when I couldn't and all your help!!
I'd also like to thank Drew the Big Brother Cynic for his weekly cynic articles!! You're amazing & I hope to have you back again next year! :D
And finally...
A Note to Casting & Production:
Stop with the nearly-all Cali cast. Pick from audition tapes. Pick people that don't know the in's and outs of the game. Make it a diverse cast..bitchy, funny, good looking, young, old, chubby, skinny, etc. Someone that we can all relate to! Pick people that actually wanna compete and not sleep the whole season!! Don't pick ANYONE that "knows" a former HG and/or production. Don't bring back any former HG's (unless it's a full All-Stars season, which would be AWESOME!!!).
Also, next year we need to see more endurance comps, please!! (We only saw two on the feeds this year, though there were 4. We didn't see the 1st one which was the Banana, and the Veto Comp where they hung on past HG's.) Make the 1st HOH Comp a skill, and the 2nd one an endurance comp for us feed watchers to watch.
And if I could have just 1 wish...
It'd be to have all BB bloggers go in for Media Day. Let us see what it's like to play for a day, see the house, have the experience, then come back to our computers and blog about it to the masses!
Okay. I said my piece. Now I'm done. ;) lol
Well guys & gals..that's it! This season is officially ovahhhh!! Over the next few weeks, I'll be helping us all get through our BB withdrawls by posting about various shows that are being shown on the feeds and all kinds of BB related goodies, so keep checking back!!
Love you guys & see y'all back here for BB14!!!
PS I will be posting Backyard Interviews tonight, so stay tuned!!
Stay tuned...
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