Allison Grodner (Exc. Producer of BB) just tweeted this!!
9:00pm EST:
Show begins...
Votes to Evict:
*Rachel votes to evict...Shelly
*Kalia votes to evict...Adam
*Jordan votes to evict...Shelly
This Sunday's episode will feature Pandora's Box with a celebrity.
This Wednesday will be an eviction. (Final 4)
Then on Thursday, another eviction. (Final 3)
Ya gotta get the Live Feeds!!
7:25pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
The HOH comp:
HG's (except for Porsche, the outgoing HOH) had to crawl through a sticky pool of clear liquid, get plastic donuts on the other side, crawl back through the sticky liquid, and put their donuts on a pole. It was a timed comp: Most donuts in 13 minutes, wins.
Jordan: "I'm happy you won!" (to Rachel)
Stay tuned...
Need the Live Feeds? Get'em Right Here!!!