Remember, this week is ALL about the POV! The POV winner gets to decide who goes home. The HOH (Adam) just gets a free pass to the Final 3.
The live feeds will be coming back on shortly (I'm guessing after the West Coast airing), and I'll be here to let y'all know when they do! :D
9:00pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
Jordan's packing her suitcase. (*All 3 girls have to pack.)
Adam/Porsche/Rachel are in the HOH room playing cards.

BB: "Jordan, please go to the Diary Room."
Adam said it was weird typing on a computer again (when he did his HOH blog and tweeted on twitter.)
9:08pm BBT:
*All 4 feeds are on Porsche/Adam/Rachel still playing cards.
Rachel's talking about how Shelly hid her dog.
Adam got a stuffed piece of bacon in his HOH basket. lol
Adam: If Jordan leaves tomorrow I might give this to her (the clown shoe part of his stuffed clown) to give to Jeff."
9:18pm BBT:
P/R/A eating chips, playing cards.

(Still no word on who won POV. Remember, tomorrow is the live veto ceremony.)
**The second I hear anything POV related, I will post it!
This was confirmed by Rachel saying that Porsche & Adam don't have to pack until next week, and since Adam is the HOH, that means Porsche won the veto.
Jordan just got done ironing.

She resumes packing her suitcase.
Porsche just told Adam that she's voting out Jordan because "she won 2 years ago".
**Okay guys, I'm outty for the night! I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! By the way, TOMORROW (Thursday) is the Final 3 HOH Endurance Comp!!! :D Wanna watch it?? The only way to watch it all LIVE is if you have the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
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