(Very weird to see everyone on the feeds again..Cassi in the hot tub, Shelly on the couch, Dominic roaming around, etc.)
While there is no confirmation on when the feeds will be back on, speculation is that they will be back on tomorrow night after the West Coast airing of Big Brother.
Tonight, the houseguests will have an eviction where (most likely) Kalia will get the BB boot, and then the remaining houseguests play in the HOH comp (minus Rachel, who is the outgoing HOH).
Since the live feeds will be blocked until tomorrow night, the awesome people over at Superpass have some cool things lined up for us feed watchers! :D
Currently, Kevin & Howie are playing some HILARIOUS games!! lol

Howie: "I'm having a SH*T ton of fun!!"

1) Click the pic to login.
2) Go to the Live Shows tab.
Today on the Live Feeds:
They'll run footage from earlier in the season from Showtime Big Brother After Dark in the Live Feeds player. In the Live Shows tab today, you can find the following shows:
2pm-3pm BBT: Chat w/ Howie & Kev Missy/Chelsia
3pm-4pm BBT: Howie and Janelle
4pm-5pm BBT: Games w/ Kevin & Howie
5pm-6pm BBT: Happy Hour w/ Missy & Chelsia

6pm-2am BBT: Quirkydude highlights Looped
If you guys & gals are anxious (like I am) to find out who got evicted tonight, and who is the new HOH, then you'll be happy to know that we will have BOTH spoilers right here on the blog tonight, thanks to a couple of 'Addicted' fans that will be part of the audience!! :D w00t w00t!!
Until tonight, enjoy the awesome shows on the live feeds!! :D
(This section will be updated later on tonight as soon as I get word on who was evicted & who won the HOH comp!)
Confirmed by various sources, including by 2 who were at the taping!!
Tomorrow (Weds) is the POV Comp for the houseguests.
And that's it for tonight, guys & gals!! :D I'll be back tomorrow night for the Wednesday Night BB Episode (I'll start a new post an hour before the show begins).
See ya then!!! :D
PS I'll be moderating comments between now & then, so feel free to post away!
Stay tuned...
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