9:38pm BBT:
The fortune teller begins to speak!!

Porsche: "Hi!"
BB FT: "Hello, ladies!"
Rachel: "Hi, sorceress!"
BB FT: "Please gather everyone into the room!"

Porsche/Rachel go get Adam/Jordan/Kalia.
BB FT: "Hello, everyone! Greetings, houseguest! I'm Crystal, the Big Brother Fortune Teller! I'm having a premonition, the winner of Big Brother is in this room! At the time you hear my laugh, you have 1 minute to come to my parlor then you must leave my presence. Miss a reading and you won't be HOH. Please be calm!"
The HG's leave the lounge room.
1st Message:
BB FT: "In 2018, Shelly will make millions when her book 'How I Created the Perfect Tan & How U Can Too' reaches #3 on all-time bestseller list."
2nd Message:
BB FT: "In 2017 after hot Miami sun becomes too much for her to bear Porsche will move to Anchorage AK & buy an igloo w/ an Eskimo named Ernie."
3rd Message:
BB FT: "In 2014 Jeff will disappear from society, he will be last seen wandering the Chicago streets muttering only 2 words: clown shoe." (**The HG's thought they heard 'clown SHOES', but it was just 'shoe'. Wonder if that will make a difference.)
4th Message:
BB FT: "On Oct 15, 2011 at 3.42pm Daniele will reconcile with her father Dick.. on Oct 15, 2011 at 3.49pm they will go back to not speaking."
5th Message:
BB FT: "In 2014 after sleeping 19 straight days & making national headlines in a sleep study, Kalia will earn her dream job as mattress & pillow tester."
6th Message:
BB FT: "In 2016, Lawon will take New York fashion week by storm when he launches his Handsome-fied line of hats, ties and jackets,"
7th Message:
BB FT: "After taking nine years to earn his PhD, Brendon will shock scholars and physicians alike after discovering a cure for an ailment that plagued him his entire life: athlete's foot."
8th Message:
BB FT: "In 2020, Adam will file for bankruptcy after investing his money into bacon scented heavy metal teddy bears for children."
9th Message:
BB FT: "In 2018, Rachel will give birth to a 9lb 6oz bouncing baby boy, named Bookie Jr. after his proud father!"
It's now 11:03pm BBT (2:03am EST), I'm gonna go to bed. I'll report the rest of the messages in the morning in the Overnighter!! Turn on the live feeds!!! :D
Stay tuned...
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