Okay, I JUST got a response back to my email to Superpass (that I sent a few days ago) asking if the feeds would be blocked for 2 days like they were last season, and the answer is "Yes". The feeds will be blocked starting at 2pm BBT today, but there's no official word on when the feeds will come back on..though speculation is that they'll come back on tomorrow night after the Wednesday night BB episode airs on the West Coast.
What can see we expect to see on the Live Feeds during the block? Well the fine folks at Superpass have some cool shows lined up for y'all!
Today on the Live Feeds:
They'll run footage from earlier in the season from Showtime Big Brother After Dark in the Live Feeds player. In the Live Shows tab today, you can find the following shows:
2pm-3pm BBT: Chat w/ Howie & Kev Missy/Chelsia
3pm-4pm BBT: Howie and Janelle
4pm-5:30pm BBT: Games
6pm -2am BBT: Quirkydude highlights Looped
Currently on the live feeds...
9:40am BBT:
BB gave the HG's champagne for them to mimosa's!! :D

They do a Final 5 cheers.

BB also gave them a tie-dye kit to have fun with this morning.

(If you're asking yourself why BB gave them champagne and a tie dye kit so early in the morning, it's because BB needed material for tonight's BB After Dark show on Showtime tonight since the feeds will be off tonight. Tomorrow's BB After Dark will be live again.)
10:17am BBT:

Rachel & Porsche are playing with the tie dye kit.
*Kalia/Adam are playing cards at the dining room table with a REAL deck of cards, finally!!! lol No more tea bag card games. :P
*Jordan's roaming around the house getting ready for the day. (She's tired from not getting much sleep last night and having bad period cramps.)

Jordan's vacuuming for tonight's eviction show (which will be taped..we'll see it tomorrow.)

Sidenote: There's a couple of fans from here on the blog that will be attending tonights BB eviction show, so we'll know who was evicted & who won tonights HOH comp! :)
10:50am BBT:
Kalia is exhausted from her lack of sleep last night.

*Rachel/Adam are tie dyeing tshirts.
*Jordan's still vacuuming around the house.

*Adam's using the memory wall to go over all the Fortune Tellers predictions/phrases.
*Rachel/Porsche are cleaning up from their tie dye fun.
11:02am BBT:

*Adam/Porsche/Rachel/Kalia are all playing cards.
*Jordan's roaming around the house. (She's done vacuuming.)
11:19am BBT:

*Jordan's cleaning up around the kitchen area now.
*R/P/A/K are still playing cards.
11:40am BBT:
It's study time in the BB13 house.

*Porsche/Kalia are in the Candy Bedroom studying.
*Jordan/Adam are studying together in the Lounge Room.
11:41am BBT:
Jordan goes into the dining room area and talks with Rachel.

They both look at the memory wall together. Jordan continues her studying for tonight's HOH comp.
Jordan tells Rachel that she'll let Rachel know if she's gonna give Kalia a pity vote or not (so that Jordan will still have Kalia's jury vote by sticking to their deal.) Rachel says okay.
11:45am BBT:
*Rachel is alone, looking at the memory wall.
*Kalia/Porsche are done studying & are getting ready to nap.
12:05pm BBT:
HG's are on HOH lockdown.

*Jordan/Porsche are on the HOH couch.
*Kalia/Rachel/Adam are on the HOH bed.
*All HG's are napping.
12:45pm BBT:
*All HG's are still on HOH lockdown. (Still napping.)
1:49pm BBT:
HOH lockdown is over.
HG's are roaming around the house, except for Kalia who's napping in the Candy Bedroom now.
2:26pm BBT:
Still no feeds block out yet, should be taking place soon though.

*Porsche is packing.
*Jordan's laying down, but awake
*Adam's laying down, but also awake.
*Rachel's in the Wood/Steel bedroom with Adam/Jordan.
*Kalia's in the bathroom.
2:40pm BBT:
Feeds go to trivia, then switch to old footage of earlier in the BB13 season. Day 1 of the blocked feeds has begun!!
Stay tuned...
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