Let's dive right on into the morning post!!
Currently on the live feeds...
9:52am BBT:
After the feeds cut off for about 5 minutes, they come back on and we see Porsche ironing and Adam's getting changed.

Rachel/Jordan were kicked out of the HOH room. They're pretty sure production is setting up another Pandora's Box.

Rachel asked Jordan what she should do if it's a Pandora's Box..should she open it or not.
Jordan: "Just go with your gut."
They wonder if a celebrity will be entering the house. They then start talking about the Hoff. Jordan wonders if "Knight Rider" was on in the 70s or 80's. Rachel said she thinks it was just a movie. (*lol)
10:04am BBT:

The girls are getting ready for the day. (**Seems like production told them that someone special might be entering the house.)
10:06am BBT:
Rachel is now in the bathroom with K/P/J. (Adam is in the Diary Room.)

Rachel's stressing out over her outfit. She asked the girls if she should wear a skirt. They all think what she has on now, is cute.
Rachel: "We haven't had to look pretty in a long time!"
10:13am BBT:
HG's roaming around the house, getting all dolled up for special celebrity guest.
**Sidenote: Just added a couple new polls on the right side of the blog!
10:28am BBT:
HG's still getting ready...

Adam's telling Jordan about how he used to be on dating websites and that he put that he liked bacon and 90210. lol
Rachel joins Jordan/Adam in the bathroom.

Jordan asked Rachel if her butt's gonna sweat while they're outside because she's wearing leather shorts.
10:37am BBT:
Jordan's talking about how Jeff is romantic but he doesn't like to cuddle..he likes "his space". (lol) Rachel keeps interrupting, saying how romantic Brendon is.
10:40am BBT:
The live feeds go to trivia!! Time for either Pandora's Box and/or the special guest celebrity to enter the BB house!! :D
As soon as the feeds come back, I'll resume posting...
11:21am BBT:
Feeds still on trivia..
Stay tuned...
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