At 11:22am BBT on Cam 3, Adam told Porsche that if she takes him to Final 2, he will tell the jury members to vote for her to win..he just wants 2nd place: $50,000. He doesn't wanna go out in 3rd place with nothing.
Adam: "I'll give you time to think about it but if you take me, you get $500,000, I'll get $50,000. I'm not making this deal with Rachel. You can even ask her."
Then at 12:24pm BBT, Porsche told Rachel about Adam's deal that he tried to make with her.
Porsche: "Dude he's outta his mind! He threatened me that if I don't take him (to Final 2), then he's not gonna vote for me. But if I take him, he's gonna tell (the jury) to vote for me and that he's the deciding vote. It makes me mad. Makes me wanna not hang out with him anymore."
Rachel: "I can't believe he threatened you! None of us know what the jury's gonna do. You and I made a deal. He had just as much of a chance to (win)."
Rachel thinks it's a ploy to get himself to Final 2 and then campaign to the jury to win 1st place.
Good morning/afternoon, BB fans! :D Happy Monday to y'all!! We only have today and tomorrow to get through before it's Wednesday...Finale Day!! Hard to believe that the BB13 season is coming to close. Ughh. :(
I mentioned on Twitter a few days ago that this year, I will be putting together a 'BB Detox' program for all of us addicts. It's gonna include keeping the chat room open for all of you that wanna stay connected & talk about other shows coming on (Survivor, Amazing Race, etc). Also, I will be posting a lot right here on the blog after BB is over. I'll blog about the Backyard Interviews (on Wednesday night), the BB Wrap Party on Thursday night at 7pm BBT, plus I'll be blogging about other goodies that are happening on the live feeds!! Hopefully this will help us with our BB withdrawal symptoms. ;) lol
Okay, let's get to the Overnighter! :D
1:16pm BBT:

Adam/Rachel/Porsche are making tie dye shirts that they plan to give away to fans after the show. (I couldn't get any good shots of the shirts because of the sun being so bright on the white shirts.)

7:37pm BBT:
Adam (alone)

Adam: "I got the Perfect Plan to get to the Finals."
Adam said that if Porsche or Rachel wanna win $500,000, then they have to take him to the Finals (because he won't give them a vote.)
Adam: "If they want $50,000, then they have to take each other."
Adam said that he gets to decide the winner of BB13 (being the 7th jury vote) and he will "Dangle that over their f**king heads" (aka threaten them) to take him to the Finals.
Adam: "If they wanna roll the dice, I'll let them seal their own fate."
9:10pm BBT:
Dining Room

Porsche & Adam give a moment of silence to honor those lost in 9/11. (Rachel was called into the Diary Room & wasn't able to participate in the moment of silence.)
Porsche then game talks as they eat. She said she just needs to beat Rachel in Part 3 of the HOH Comp.
9:42pm BBT:
Booze delivery!! BB gave them 6 beers..which is a lot for BB to give'em.

Rachel: "YAYY!!! We got beer!"
11:45pm BBT:
BY Patio

As the HG's play cards (..this is what Showtime viewers saw last night..), Rachel said she's having anxiety about leaving the BB house and re-entering the real world. Adam said it makes sense for her to think that way because she's been in the house for 2 summers in a row now, plus she met & fell in love with Brendon in the house. Adam said that the house feels comfortable for her and that's why she's feeling that way.
Adam adds that there's so many "question marks" for Rachel once she leaves the house and that could be adding to her anxiety..where she's gonna live (B/R moved out of their apartment right before BB13 began), getting a job (which she's been having a really hard time getting since being on BB last season), etc.
Porsche said she's nervous about getting back into the real world. Adam said he's wonders if he still has his job.
12:45am BBT:
All HG's go to bed.
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! :D I'll do a mid-afternoon update today. There's not too much to blog about this point. Adam needs either Porsche or Rachel (whoever wins Part 3 of the Final HOH) to take him to Final 2, otherwise he's done. Rachel/Porsche promise to take each other to Final 2, but who knows if they will or not..especially because Adam plans to threaten them both with his vote if they don't keep him.
I'll be updating here & there via Twitter today until my mid-day check in on the houseguests post!
Stay tuned...
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