As I was checking Twitter this morning, I ran across a video that will surely make some of you smile, and possibly drool. lol If you miss the eye candy of Jeff being inside the BB13 house, then this is for you!! Yummmm!! :D
Okay, let me go see what happened last night in the BB house and I'll start posting it below!
**Everything posted below can viewed using the Flashback Feature on the Live Feeds!
5:34pm BBT:
Candy Bedroom

Kalia: "If I win the veto and take myself off, Rachel puts up Adam, I vote for you (P) to stay, Jordan..(inaudible).."
Porsche: "And Rachel (is the tie breaker). That's all there is on that."
Kalia: "F**k. F**k, f**k, f**k."
Porsche: "The only way for both of us to stay, is if Adam wins the veto."
Kalia: "But I wonder if he'd even take one of us down."
Kalia said he'd make himself a target. Porsche said it doesn't matter because he still gets to play for HOH & Veto. Porsche tells Kalia that only veto matters next week.
Kalia: "If I'm here, I'm winning the next HOH."
Porsche: "And everybody knows about you (and Adam's) Final 2 deal."
Kalia: "I know."
6:31pm BBT:

As Adam was cooking meatballs, Porsche told Adam that she's scared about being on the block this week.
Porsche: (in a baby voice) "I'm scared."
Adam: "What did ya come her to do? came here to fight & win."
Porsche asked Adam if he's scared, he said yea because if Porsche or Kalia win veto, he's going up.
9:26pm BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel told Jordan they just got wine & 2 beers downstairs and asked if she wanted a a glass of wine. Jordan said no. They then talked about how it's weird that BB gave them alcohol the night before the veto comp (BB never gives them alcohol the night before a comp). Jordan thinks maybe it's not until later in the night and that it could be the Morph-o-Matic, which always happens at nighttime.
They then start talking game.
Jordan: "What if.."
Rachel: "What if Adam's working with them? I know..I think about it all the time. Especially since they're so up his butt."
Jordan: "He hasn't been lying..normally you can read it. Maybe I'm thinking too much, maybe I have too much time on my hands."
Jordan thinks that maybe Adam/Porsche know each other outside the game and relates it to the season being a "duo" season. (Jordan's hinting that maybe they're friends outside the house.)
Jordan: "I don't know..they NEVER talk about each other!"
Rachel said that they have a deal together and she's known about it the whole time. Talk turns to Kalia. Rachel said she doesn't trust her as far as she can throw her & that she's made Final 2 deals with everyone in the house.
Jordan: "So you think tomorrow we should just go in the veto and play our hearts out and then if something happens where one of them wins veto, just send the other one home? Kinda play it like that?"
Rachel: "Yea. Kalia can't win the veto because we need to get rid of her, but if Porsche goes, Porsche goes!"
Jordan: "I don't wanna Adam (to win veto) because I'm scared (of what he might do)."
Rachel: "I want one of us to win the veto."
Jordan: "Yea because if he..."
Kalia's screaming from the kitchen for Rachel to come get her glass of wine. Jordan looks worried.

Rachel comes back up and tells Jordan she can stay in the HOH room..she's gonna go downstairs and play cards with everybody. Jordan said she'll head downstairs & mingle.
11:52pm BBT:
Lounge Room

Adam told Jordan that he wants to win the veto.
Jordan: "Please don't use it."
Adam: "Oh, no no..."
Jordan: "(inaudible due to her mic being off)
Adam: "How would you be gone?"
Jordan: "If you used it, the replacement nominee would be me. Then..( me out."
Adam: "I'd still have a vote. I thought about (that scenario) just for sh*ts and giggles, but I know that would freak you out."
Jordan: "I'd be pissed."
Adam reassures her if he wins the veto, he's not gonna use it & he knows that Kalia would be "f**king pissed" if Adam won and didn't use it, but he doesn't care.
Adam: "Porsche would get over it. If she stayed."
Jordan: "I still think you and Porsche have something together."
Jordan walks away.
Adam: "Come here..come here.."
Jordan said to hold on..leaves..then comes back.
Adam: "We don't have a 'thing'."
Jordan: "I just don't wanna get screwed over."
Adam: "You're not gonna get screwed over by me. Me, you and Rachel."
Jordan: "I'm stressin' about next week. Next week is major."
Adam said he hopes Kalia goes this week because she's good at question comps and they'd do better against Porsche.
Jordan said she's gonna go study faces on the memory wall because on her season, it took her 12 minutes, while others completed the comp in 2 mins, to do the Morph-o-Matic comp. She wants to do better this time.
12:12am BBT:
HOH Room

Jordan: "I asked Adam...'you're not using the veto, are you?' He said no and 'they'd be probably be mad', and I said if he did, I'd probably go home and he was like 'huh?', I said 'if you took one of them off, I'd go up as the replacement nominee and he goes 'you wouldn't go home'..." (implying that Adam would save Porsche but vote to keep Jordan)
Rachel: "But you WOULD go home because obviously if he's pulling one of them off, then that's the 2 votes!"
Jordan: "I think he doesn't wanna make anybody mad in case he makes it to the end."
Rachel: "What's he gonna do? Ruin another alliance? If he..pulls them off, he's not with us. We can't risk him winning that veto. We have to win (veto)!"
Rachel: "Should we try to get rid of (Adam)? that's just stupid."
Jordan/Rachel think that Adam/Porsche are still working together and if he won the veto, he'd save Porsche but still vote Kalia out..and even if Porsche voted Jordan out, Rachel would still be the tie breaker and Jordan would stay.
Jordan: "If he did do that, I'd cut him loose."
Rachel: "But we have to take him to Final 3 if we make it that far...we can't take Porsche."
Jordan: "No."
Rachel: "We have to take Adam (to Final 3) because it'd make it a lot easier for us. Oh my god..why would he say that!?"
Jordan: "I don't think (he will), I think he was just saying that."
Rachel: "So Porsche doesn't get mad at him? Who cares if Porsche is mad at him!"
Rachel: "We have 3 more competitions. One of us has to win this veto, and then one us has to win the next veto. And then we're good!"
Rachel said she wishes they (J/R) could get rid of 'them' right now.
***And that's it for The Overnighter!! :D I'll be back to start the late morning/early afternoon post in a little bit. I gotta go run some errands around town. As of 9:03am BBT, Jordan is in the downstairs shower, as Rachel is taking a shower in her HOH bathroom.
Stay tuned...
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