Okie dokie, back to Big Brother..
As of 4:08pm BBT, Porsche/Adam still have not yet competed in Part 2 of the Final HOH and all of us are anxiously awaiting that to start!
Last night, the Final 3 had a fancy dinner courtesy of BB:

They had calamari, champagne, and some other goodies. They also did a Final 3 toast. Afterwards, they each took turns looking at past HG's on the memory wall and talking about them..what they were like, past stories, etc.

They also did a house tour, going room to room talking about things that happened in each room. It was a night filled with 'Remember when.." stories.
As soon as Part 2 of the Final HOH is over, I will post the results here in this post! (No clue one what time that will happen, but I'm just as anxious to find out the winner as much as everybody else! :D)
I'll also keep y'all updated via Twitter as well!
Stay tuned...
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