Since today is the eviction & HOH comp, I still don't know how long the feeds will be out for. Will they come back on after the new HOH is crowned? Or will the feeds stay off until after tomorrow nights episode airs? We shall see!
Since the HG's have already had their wakeup call and the HG's are up for the day, I'm gonna hurry up and put the Overnighter together!
(This is gonna be a quickie version of the Overnighter.)
7:00pm BBT:
Porsche/Rachel talk in the lounge room. Porsche tells Rachel that if she stays this week, then she'll keep Rachel safe if she wins the veto. They shake on it.
9:38pm BBT:
Fortune Teller starts to talk.

I posted most of the messages in last night's post, but here's the other few messages:
10th Message:
BB FT: "In 2012, Cassi will land a role alongside international megastar David Hasselhof in the countrified Baywatch reboot, Riverwatch."
11th Message:
BB FT: "In 2015, Evel Dick will start a Christmas tradition by bringing gifts to heavily tattooed orphans, changing his name from Evel Dick to Old St. Dick."
12th Message:
BB FT: "In 2013, Dominic will grace the cover of 17 Magazine with the headline Total Dom-ination - he'll dethrone pop sensation Justin Bieber as America's favorite heartthrob."
13th Message:
BB FT: "In 2015, Keith will land a job hosting a new dating show called Love Rejection, but it will be short-lived after it's revealed he tried to date all 29 female contestants
11.21pm, 4.46am: In 2011, after the runaway success of the humilitard, Jordan will launch a line of humilitard-inspired items including the humilicar, the humilifier, and the humilibake oven."
11:40pm BBT:
Kalia/Porsche studied together in the dining room.

Rachel quizzed Jordan/Adam in the backyard. She changed up words and years and asked the to say True or False.

11:57pm BBT:
Hammock Area

Adam asked Jordan if it'd be okay, assuming he won HOH, to put up Jordan/Porsche. Jordan said yea. Adam said nominations don't matter this week, it's all about who wins the veto. Adam said that Rachel and himself both were on the block & both pulled themselves off by using the veto, and he wants Jordan to be able to say the same. He also thinks it'll give her more of a push (being nom'ed) to wanna win veto.
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! The Fortune Teller kept waking up the HG's all night and up until around 6am BBT this morning. Rachel didn't get up for all the late messages (which were just repeats anyways) because she's not playing in the HOH comp & because she said she felt confident in knowing all the phrases so that she could keep quizzing Adam/Jordan. I'm starting the morning post in just a minute!
Stay tuned...
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