While I was away, and as I posted on Twitter, the veto ceremony was already held and Lawon was the renom after Jeff took himself off the block.
Apparently, Lawon has been "overselling" the way he's been acting, like he's pissed that he's the renom.
Also, Jordan & Jeff told Rachel about Lawon volunteering to go on the block & that she (Rachel) is safe this week because they have the votes. Jordan tells her to act like she doesn't know. (**This is gonna be hard for her to do. lol)
Okay, let's see what the HG's are up to!
Currently on the live feeds...
1:38pm BBT:
HOH Room

Kaila wants to talk to Shelly to make sure she'll vote "whichever way" Kalia needs her to vote.
1:44pm BBT:
They girls are talking about when should they tell everyone they are keeping Rachel.
Dani: "When are we telling people?"
Kalia: *sighs* "The later the better, but.."
1:54pm BBT:
Dani & Kalia were talking about why keeping Rachel would be good, or bad. Dani said she wants them to make a deal with Rachel if they're saving her from eviction this week but Dani's scared that Rachel has/is already made deals with other people.
1:55pm BBT:
Dani leaves the HOH room to go lay down in the Candy Room.
BB: "Jeff, please go to the diary room."
1:56pm BBT:
Feeds auto-switch to Shelly/Adam on the BY patio. smoking. Jeff/Lawon are in the pool. Jeff's drying off to go to the Diary Room.

Shelly/Adam are wondering where the rest of the missing house items are (that Dani/Kalia hid). They wonder who did it, and where the stuff is.
Shelly: "YOu didn't hide the stuff, did ya Lawon?"
Lawon: "No I did not."
Shelly joins Lawon in the pool.

They talk about Lawon being the renom. Lawon's still acting shocked by it (even though he volunteered to be the pawn this week.)
Lawon: "I knew it'd be me or Adam."
Shelly said she doesn't see how it's "logical"
Lawon: "It just caught me off-guard! I never been on the block before."
2:04pm BBT:
Adam is now in the hot tub.
Rachel is working out on the elliptical.
Adam's talking about how it's weird not having a beard anymore...he can feel smoke on it when he smokes, food dropping on it when he eats..it's a weird feeling.
2:11pm BBT:
*Jordan is now outside. Shelly said she likes her shirt. Jordan offers her to wear it.
*Jeff is out of the D.R., and in the bathroom.
2:22pm BBT:
A look at all 4 cameras.

Jeff & Shelly are talking (non-game) chit chat.
Lawon's still in the pool.
Rachel's still working out.
2:33pm BBT:
Big Jeff is in the pool.

Jeff/Jordan/Adam/Shelly are all talking back & forth in the backyard about Universities.
2:48pm BBT:
*Shelly is telling J/A/J/L about how her daughter had the H1N1 flu virus and how sick she was.
*Adam said the only time he got the flu shot, he got really sick, so now he doesn't get the flu shot anymore.
And just because he's yummy..

3:04pm BBT:
*Jeff/Jordan are in the kitchen.
*Rachel's laying out.
*Lawon's in the hammock.
*Shelly's smoking on the backyard couch.
3:17pm BBT:
All is calm in the BB house.

3:35pm BBT:
Backyard Couches

Rachel & Jordan say this season is "so hard", not that they thought it'd be easy. Jordan starts talking about her season.
3:42pm BBT:
Jordan is talking about a tv she bought (flat screen) and Rachel said that when she moved in with Brendon, he had a box tv and she told him they had to get a new one because his was old.
3:49pm BBT:
Kitchen Area

Shelly said that Lawon's acting foolish (by acting so pissed).
Shelly asked Kalia if she told Lawon to act so pissed off and Kalia said no. Shelly said that Lawon said he'd gun after Kalia/Dani if he gets voted out.
Shelly wonders if he's getting money (like America's Player) for volunteering to go up as a pawn.
Shelly: "There has to be a reason that he volunteered himself."
(**There is no reason, except that Lawon just made a dumb move. lol)
5:40pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...

*Shelly's in the hammock.
*Porsche is in the HOH room with Kalia/Dani.
*Adam's working out in the backyard.
*Lawon's in the backyard on the elliptical.
Porsche leaves HOH.
Dani/Kalia talk.
Kalia: "I swear, if Lawon leaves and doesn't come back, I'm gonna be pissed."
Dani: "But (Rachel) could've went home and not come back..."
(..and that's why your plan is stupid, Kalia.)
**The HG's seem pretty chill tonight, but the night is still young. If anything important happens, I'll be sure to post it! Until then, enjoy the feeds! :)
Stay tuned...
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