The houseguests still think tonight's HOH comp could be an endurance comp & if it is, there's only 1 way to see it: by getting the live feeds!!! Nothing to download, 3 minutes to get up & running. Simple as that!!
At 4:40pm BBT, as Jeff took a shower, green ooze started coming up into the shower.

Jeff: "Whoa! What is that?...I'm getting out! It reeks!"
Shelly: "Ooh! It's coming outta the toilet, too!"
Hint for tonight's HOH comp? Hmm!!! ;) Also the HG's are wearing athletic clothing, and they had to "pick numbers". Shelly thinks it'll have to deal with individual lanes.
In other news, the Big Brother 13 Finale is September 14th. Less than a month away..can you believe it!?
Okay guys & gals, I'll see y'all back here tonight on the blog at 8:45pm EST in the chat room & comment section! Don't forget to bring your snacks & beverage(s) of choice! ;)
9:00pm EST:
Show begins...
9:27pm BBT:
BB showed Shelly's daughter & what she thinks of her mama's gameplay. She's simply adorable!
Also, tonight whoever gets evicted, will be the 1st member of the Jury!
Votes to Evict:
*Rachel votes to evict...Shelly
*Kalia votes to evict...Brendon
*Porsche votes to evict...Brendon
*Adam votes to evict...Brendon
*Jeff votes to evict...Brendon
*Jordan votes to evict...Brendon

The HG's have to fill up a big bowl with liquid soap by transferring it down a slippery lane. This is gonna take a while!!
Next Thursday is the Double Eviction!!!
Stay tuned...
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