Here are the liffnotes from the Shelly/Rachel convo:
*Rachel complimented Shelly on playing a good manipulative game.
*Shelly planted the idea in Rachel's head that if ALL vets (including Jordo) is in jury, then Rachel would win the game.
*Shelly saying again that she wants to work with Rachel to get her to the end.
*Shelly said that Adam has done nothing and won't help Jordan/Rachel get to the end, but she (Shelly) will..she just wants to get to Final 3 with people that deserve to be there..she doesn't wanna see Kalia/Porsche in the Final 3.
*She then tells Rachel that Adam will go after Rachel/Kalia if he wins HOH this week. He will keep Porsche safe (Adam/Porsche have Final 2 deal).
*Shelly said that if Rachel/Jordan are in Final 2, the votes would be split.
*Rachel told Shelly that she (R) is taking Jordan to the end regardless.
*Shelly's talk w/ Rachel got her (R) to think about keeping Shelly and going to Final 3 (Jordan/Rach/Shelly).
12:12pm BBT:

While that convo was going on, Adam/Jordan had a talk in the bathroom. Adam said that Shelly talking to Rachel made him nervous. Jordan told Adam that she (J) wants him to stay this week.
Rachel/Jordan then talked.
Rachel told Jordan that even though she knows Shelly's a manipulator, she's still worried about Adam and if he'll really protect them (J/R). Jordan said she can't trust Shelly. Jordan tells Rachel to talk to Adam.
1:18pm BBT:
Dining Room Table

Rachel said she's nervous about him being true to his word of being with Jordan/Rachel, and feels that Adam might have doubts about them (J/R), too. Adam said he regretted going with 'The New Kids' (after Jeff got evicted last week). Rachel understands why he did it, though.
Adam said he hopes to win HOH this week so that he can prove that he's working with Jordan/Rachel. Rachel said that all 3 of them (Jordan/Rach/Adam) need to talk game together and study together if they're really Final 3 with each other.
1:48pm BBT:
A look at the feeds..
Cams 1 & 2: Jordan/Shelly are suntanning.

Cams 3 & 4: Kalia/Porsche/Rachel are on the BY couches, talking non-game.
2:13pm BBT:

*All HG's are outside in the BY.
No game talk. The HG's are in currently in chill mode. :P
2:15pm BBT:

Shelly grabbed Rachel's stuffed doggy out of the kleenex box and put it under her pillow.
2:38pm BBT:

Rachel tried to convince Jordan to keep Shelly. Jordan tried to convince Rachel to keep Adam.
Rachel said that keeping Shelly would be keeping a target in the game. Jordan said that Kalia/Porsche would still get her (Rachel) out first, then Shelly 2nd. Jordan also said that Adam was the one who told them (R/J) about the newbies (Adam/Porsche/Kalia/Shelly) making a Final 4 deal last Thursday..Shelly never told them, Adam did..which makes Adam more trustworthy. Jordan added that Adam's a terrible liar, while Shelly is a great liar.
They both agree that Adam will fight to win HOH, while Shelly wouldn't.
They both head back outside.
3:00pm BBT:
Backyard Couches

Rachel said she's scared for this week. Jordan said they just need to win 1 HOH and 1 POV. They talk about this weeks upcoming HOH comp. (**Ironically, building noises can be heard in the background from somewhere on the CBS lot.)
Jordan thinks it'll be something physical for sure.
3:36pm BBT:
3:19pm BBT:

*Jordan/Kalia are working out.
*Rachel's reading the bible.
3:36pm BBT:

*Jordan/Kalia still working out.
*Rachel is now napping on the BY couches.
Updated @ 6:20pm BBT:
Nothing much has been happening on the feeds the past couple of hours. I was waiting for something post-worthy but haven't found anything yet.
Rachel/Porsche worked out together, Adam fussed with the Fortune Teller but had no luck with getting it to work, Adam's still worried about Rachel not keeping him, Kalia told Porsche they need to get Rachel out next week..same old, same old. :P
I'm gonna take off for the night. Tomorrow I have to work at 10am EST (7am BBT), so I'll come home & just start the Afternoon Post around 11am BBT (2pm EST)! :D Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
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