Currently on the live feeds...
9:30am BBT:
Cams 1 @ 2: Adam/Shelly/Brendon/Rachel are having non-game talk on the backyard couches.

Cams 3 & 4 are showing Lawon in the living room, alone, reading his bible.
9:38am BBT:
Shelly/Rachel are alone on the BY couches. Rachel's telling stories about how she broke her arm twice from falling when she was a kid.
Brendon rejoins the girls, with coffee in hand.
9:46am BBT:
Brendon/Rachel are talking on the BY couches. Brendon's gonna use the veto on her.

Brendon: "Play a good social game, don't be emotional, breath..think about what you're doing, every single time. Otherwise, you're gonna turn into the girl from last summer..lashing out at everybody."
Brendon tells Rachel that Jeff/Jordan probably made a deal with Dani, but that he'll most likely still put up Danielle next week if he, or Jordan, wins HOH. He tells Rachel to trust them (J/J).
Brendon said that they (B/R) will be able to see who they can trust by the end of the week with votes..if they someone says they'll vote for Brendon to stay, but vote him out, then Rachel will know to not trust that person.
9:57am BBT:
Shelly & Jordan join B/R on the BY couches.

Jordan said she's pretty sure she's going up today as the renom. Brendon said that Dani is choosing to play alone against the house by putting Rach/Bren up, and Jordan as the possible renom.
Shelly said that Dani said that the house is boring, and Shelly said that the girls (S/J/P/R) were having fun with making the mock wedding dress and that she could've helped.
Shelly thinks that Dani misses Dom and their hangout times in the back bedroom. She comments on how Dani/Dom never were really social, just hung out with each other.
BB: "Brendon, please go to the Diary Room."
10:11am BBT:
Backyard Patio Area
Rachel (on elliptical)/Jordan (on BY couch)

The girls are talking about making friends in high school, having sleep overs, etc.
Brendon/Lawon join them.
10:21am BBT:
Lawon/Rachel/Jordan still talking about high school.
**The HG's think that the veto ceremony might be around 12pm BBT.
10:26am BBT:
*Jeff joins the BY patio crew.
*Talk is about "What would you do if your 16 yr old daughter wanted to drink?"
Jeff: "I'd go to the party and kick her out, but I might have a drink while I'm there!" (*LOL)
10:30am BBT:
*Jeff goes inside, he has to "drop the kids off at the pool." :P
*Shelly/Porsche/Brendon are in the bathroom getting ready for the day.
*Rachel is about to shower.
*Adam/Jordan are in the kitchen.
10:45am BBT:
*Feeds go to TRIVIA!!!! Time for the Veto Ceremony! :D
Stay tuned...
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