After 3 weeks of Dani & Kalia running the house, the power has shifted to the other side of the house and now we have ourselves a whole new game! Jeff is this weeks HOH!

Let's see what the houseguests are up to on the live feeds...
8:42pm BBT:
Candy Bedroom

BB: "This is a lockdown. Please go inside until further notice."
Jordan said that she fell hard and Jeff said he saw Shelly helping Jordo up.
Jordan: "It was all downhill from there, but I'm proud of myself!"
8:46pm BBT:
Rachel/Adam/Jeff/Jordan/Porsche are in the bathroom, waiting to take a shower. (Rachel just got done.)

Jeff said that he loved when the water rained down during the comp because it cooled him off. Porsche said it had soap in it, Jeff didn't notice.
Adam said he banged up his arm pretty good.

Rachel said it felt like a good workout.

On cams 3 & 4, Shelly/Kalia/Dani are in the Steel/Wood Bedroom talking about the show & the HOH comp.
7:53pm BBT:

The girls are doing some Rachel bashing. Dani said that as soon as the comp was over, Rachel went over to Jeff & Jordan. Shelly said she "can't stand that woman" (Rach). Dani then talked about how Julie Chen made fun of Brendon on her tv show 'The Talk' about his skype cheating on Rachel.
Dani leaves.
Kalia tells Shelly to talk to Jeff/Jordan about putting up Porsche/Rachel with Rachel as the target. Shelly said she will but she's gonna let them have their alone time tonight to chill.
Shelly is complaining that she's really sore and needs a heating pad. She said she'll ask for one in the Diary Room.
9:05pm BBT:
HG's are scattered around the house.

Jeff said that his nipples are so sore from his wet/soapy shirt rubbing against them in the HOH comp. Adam said his are sore, too.

9:18pm BBT:
Porsche is putting bandaids on Adam's nipples. (**Did I really just type that? lol)

They're heart-shapped. :P

Daniele used nail polish to draw smiley faces on them.
9:23pm BBT:
All HG's still roaming the house, settling down from the comp.

10:04pm BBT:
Candy Bedroom

Kalia said that Jeff's good at winning comps & he has to go next week. Kalia wants Jeff to put up Rachel. She doesn't think she (Kalia) would get backdoored.
Kalia said they've been in power for 3 weeks now and knew this would happen. (re: power shift).
Kalia: "I have to figure out how to play my own personal game."
Porsche: "Do you think we should go out there and be social?"
Kalia: "Umm I guess. I guess that's a part of the game but..I don't kiss anyone's ass."
Jordan enters.
They talk about the HOH comp. Porsche said she's tired from it.
10:29pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...

*Kalia/Porsche/Jordan are napping in the Candy Bedroom.
*Jeff just got out of the Diary Room.
*Shelly/Jeff/Dani/Adam are in the kitchen.
*Rachel's off-cam, napping.
**Okie dokie guys & gals, I'm outty for the night. Meet me back here in the morning for The Overnighter!! :D Tomorrow is the nominations ceremony, so there's gonna be lots of game talk! Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
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