Today on the feeds at 1:53pm BBT, Shelly got her call from home and her "24 hours" of confinement is now ovahhhh! ("24 hours" in the BB house usually means about 16-20 hrs max lol)
If you'd like to hear Shelly describe her phone call from home to the HG's, use the Flashback Feeds, start at 1:53pm BBT on Camera 1.

Also, Bren/Rach had their "try to get Adam's vote" from Adam this morning around 11:30am BBT. Adam didn't give a definite answer either way (**shocker. lol) but said he knows that Brendon's a bigger target, hinting that it'd be best to keep Brendon in the game.
Okie dokie, that's it for now! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!
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