At 9:05am BBT, Dani/Kalia talked in the HOH room.

Dani said:
*If either Adam or Shelly win veto, then she's backdooring Brendon.
*If Bren/Rachel win, Dani will honor their deal.
*Dani also mentioned that she wants Jeff gone "sooner than later".
As soon as the feeds come back, I'll start the afternoon post!
(Porsche is Hosting)
9:45am BBT:
Lounge Room

Brendon: "How did this happen?"
Feeds auto-switch to...
9:46am BBT:
HOH Room

Kalia: "How did this happen??"
Dani: "Everyone we wanted to play in the veto, is."
Porsche comes in.

Dani: "Porsche, we need Jeff to go soon."
Porsche: "Okay."
They all laugh.
Dani is making it sound like she's gonna backdoor Brendon this week.
Downstairs in the lounge room...

Rachel is speed-whispering to Brendon about Porsche. Brendon said if he goes home, he goes home..he didn't win HOH.
Rachel: "I didn't win it either."
Brendon: "I messed up big time." (re: HOH comp)
Rachel said that Shelly's been talking "really bad" about Porsche..about her cellulite and "fat rolls" and she does it eat, etc.
Back up in the HOH room...

Talk is about Shelly. Dani said she seriously felt bad for Shelly crying so much last night because she's mad at Rachel for keeping Rachel, and then Rachel fought with her, she misses her family, etc etc.
10:15am BBT:
*P/D/K are still in HOH room. Laughter and light chatter all around.
*Bren/Rache in lounge room, talking about what they could do to stay.
10:18am BBT:
*Kalia is laying down in the Candy Bedroom now, reading the bible.
*Jeff/Jordo are in the Candy Bedroom as well, napping.

*Rachel/Brendon are talking about balancing their finances at home, about thier relationship and what they need to work on (both of them), how they have mutual respect for each other, etc.
10:23am BBT:
*Porsche is putting on makeup in the bathroom on Feeds 1 & 2 now.
10:28am BBT:
*Porsche just got called to Diary Room.
10:50am BBT:
HOH Room

Adam/Dani are talking for awhile now...about game and non-game. They think they have 4-5 weeks left, and the the finale might be around Sept 14th. Talk then turns to American Idol.
Adam said he'll leave, Dani tells him he doesn't have to. Dani said Diary Room will call him in shortly because they've been calling everybody else.
Adam leaves.
Feeds switch to Bren/Rach cuddling in the lounge room.
11:18am BBT:
*POV comp still hasn't started. (**Come on, BB!!! Hurry up! :P )
11:31am BBT:
Rachel is massaging Brendon's feet.
All other HG's off camera/napping.
11:33am BBT:

Dani tells Shelly to really play hard for the veto.
Dani then goes into the Candy Bedroom and stealth whispers something to Kalia (inaudible) then leaves & heads up to the HOH room.
11:43am BBT:
*Porsche/Dani in HOH room. Dani's listening to her CD, as Porsche shaves her legs.
12:12pm BBT:
No POV Comp yet.
All feeds are on Rach/Bren talking (non-game) to Adam in the Steel & Wood Bedroom.
2:01pm BBT:
All feeds still on Adam/Brendon/Rachel talking about non-game stuff.
*I'll start a new post once the POV Comp started. I'm taking a break from the boring feeds. lol Don't worry, I'm within ear-shot of the feeds still. :)
Stay tuned...
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