Also, as per the Overnighter, Dani said that she wanted to talk to Brendon & said that she thinks he has Jeff/Jordo's vote and that she (Dani) will work on Porsche. This caught all of us BB fans off-guard, since she's been stating to everyone that she wants Brendon out. But we'll find out later today when they talk just what exactly she's up to.
Currently on the live feeds...
8:44am BBT:
Backyard Couch

Adam told Shelly about the convo he had with Jeff at the pool table last night, about how Jeff is worried & was trying to get Adam to sway his vote to keeping Brendon.
Shelly said that Jeff/Jordan already told her that they're voting for her to stay, and Adam said that Jeff was just running through scenarios to make sure it was the right move to do because he's scared he's next in line for the chopping block. They both agreed that it's at the point in the game where you have to win comps, or go home.
Adam goes back inside & goes back to bed.
9:48am BBT:
Backyard Couch

Shelly, who is also up & was talking to Bren/Rach, goes inside for a moment. Brendon and Rachel talk.
Brendon said that they have to try to work on Porsche today to try to get her vote. They both know that Adam is a lost cause and won't vote Shelly out over him.
10:00am BBT:
Backyard Patio

Rachel's telling Vegas stories & how about jobs she had while she was living there.
10:24am BBT:
*Rachel's in the bathroom putting on makeup.
*Adam is on cams 3 & 4, sleeping.
*Brendon is on the elliptical.
*Shelly is in the backyard.
*All other HG's are off-cam.
10:35am BBT:
*Brendon working out still.
*Rachel's eating breakfast on the BY couch.
*Adam's still sleeping on Cams 3 & 4. ]
*No talking going on.
10:53am BBT:
*Brendon's running laps.
*Rachel just went inside to get laundry.
*Cams 3 & 4 are on Porsche sleeping.
*Shelly's cleaning outside.
11:07am BBT:
*Rachel's on the BY patio reading the bible.
*Shelly's still cleaning.
*Porsche still sleeping on Cams 3 & 4.
11:48am BBT:
*Shelly is on cams 1 & 2
*Rachel is stretching on cams 3 & 4
11:50am BBT:
*Shelly's swimming
*Jordo's in the kitchen.
12:05pm BBT:

*Jordan's in the pool.
*Shelly's laying out, while talking sports to Adam who's on the BY couch.
*Brendon is alone in the kitchen, cooking.
*Rachel's working out.
12:28pm BBT:
All HG's are outside. They're on an outside lockdown. (BB's attempt to get the HG's up and moving.)

Non-game talk all around.
Backyard patio crew is talking about Back to the Future movies and which one is their favorite.

1:52pm BBT:

Kalia is cooking.
Dani: "I'm so bored! And nobody's entertaining me."
Kalia: "I'm so hungry."
3:02pm BBT:

*Adam/Dani are playing a game of cornhole.
*Kalia is sitting poolside, talking to Jordan who's in the pool.
*Porsche is laying out.
*Shelly is on the BY couch.
*All other HG's are off-cam at the moment.
Jeff is in the pool..

5:06pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Rachel asked Porsche who she's voting to stay this week, Porsche said Shelly. Rachel made her pitch for her to keep Brendon instead, saying that Brendon's not gunning for her & that they're on Porsche's side. Rachel also said that if Shelly won HOH, she was gonna put her (P) up on the block and that she (Shelly) is the one causing all the drama in the house.
Porsche said that when Brendon was voted out, she felt like she was casted out of their alliance. Porsche said she'd "think about it", but clearly doesn't have an interest in keeping Brendon.
Porsche leaves.
Brendon enters.
Rachel told Brendon that Porsche's not voting for him to stay & tells him about their convo.
5:42pm BBT:
Backyard Couches

Brendon told Dani about Rachel/Porsche's convo and how she said she's not gonna vote for Brendon to stay. Dani said she'll talk to her later today or tomorrow. (Dani's making Brendon think she's trying to keep him in the game, while telling Kalia/Porsche that she wants Brendon out for good this time.) Dani told Brendon that by the end of this week, he'll be able to see who's loyal and who's not.
6:40pm BBT:
A look at the feeds..

*Jeff/Adam are working out.
*Jordan's in the bathroom.
*Shelly/Dani/Rachel are on the BY patio.
*Brendon/Kalia are playing a game of pool.
**Okay guys & gals, I'll be back tomorrow morning with the Overnighter! Tonight, expect to see Brendon & Adam have a Hot Dog Eating Contest...they're gonna see who can the most in 10 minutes! Should be funny to watch. :D Until tomorrow, enjoy the live feeds!
Stay tuned...
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