I'll go gather up the Overnigther, but before I do, here's a random pic of Jordan from last night looking smokin' hot, just for you guys! (**I figured since I'm always posting pics of Jeff for us gals, I'd get a good pic for you guys. Only fair. lol)

I'll be posting 2 more pics of Jordo on Twitter this morning if you wanna see'em.
Okay, let me go gather up the Overnighter & a much-needed cup of coffee, and I'll start posting last night's BB13 house happenings! :D
**Everything posted below can viewed using the Flashback Feature on the Live Feeds!
12:40am BBT:
Backyard Couch

Dani: "I have a feeling that if Lawon leaves, he's not coming back."
Porsche: "So do you have a feeling if Rachel leaves, then she's not coming back?"
Dani: "I don't know."
Porshe: "Then how can you feel that about Lawon?"
Dani: "Because if it's a competition, he's not gonna win. And if that's the case, then we just gave up one of own allies. And that's huge."
Lawon comes out, convo ends.
1:16am BBT:
Backyard Couch

Talk is about how if there's a double eviction tonight, on top of the twist, how crazy that'd be on top of the twist. (**There will be at least 1 double eviction this season, so it's definitely possible.)
Shelly: "Once (BB) does a double eviction or a fast forward, things will go fast!"
Kalia: "So (there's) 9 (of us), so technically we should be at jury."
Porsche asked how a double eviction works. Kalia/Shelly help her out with understanding how it would work.
1:26am BBT:
Living Room

Dani & Kalia talk about the twist & the chance that Brendon could come back to play the game again.
Dani: "There's no question that I'd be put up. At all. At all."
Kalia: "I'd rather have (Rachel) coming after us by herself (than with Brendon)."
Kalia suggest that they vote out Rachel, even though it's risky that she could come back in the game gunning after them, but it'd be a bigger risk if they kept her, and Brendon came back as well.
Dani: "I think we should plan on voting her off and then if we wanna switch it, we'll switch it."
Kalia: "We're not gonna have time to talk to people tomorrow.."
Dani: "Yea we will, we have all day. We don't anything but sit around anyways."
Dani then said she wonders why BB would throw them a halfway party, if some of them aren't gonna be there (either Lawon or Rachel).
Kalia said that if they vote out Rachel, then they have to get the votes to have her voted out, without Kalia being the tie breaker (in case Rachel comes back, she's gonna be gunning hard for Kalia/Dani).
They decide that they wanna talk with Shelly , who's sleeping in the Have Not's room.

Kalia: (whispering) "Shelly!"
Shelly wakes up & goes into the living room with Kalia/Dani.

Dani fills Shelly in on what they've been talking about...about how they're scared Brendon could come back in the game, and if they don't vote Rachel out, then they're gonna have Brendon/Rachel back together in the game again.
Shelly said she understands why they're concerned but she has to think about what's best for her game.
Shelly leaves.
Dani/Kalia continue to talk briefly.

They're not happy that Shelly doesn't seem to be on the same page as them with wanting Rachel out, even though Shelly has (lied to them) by saying she wouldn't keep someone in the house that was gunning after them.
Dani: "...but (Rachel) is (gunning for us)!"
Dani: "There's really nothing we can do."
Kalia: "I seriously hate this."
2:12pm BBT:
Have Not's Room
Shelly/Jordan (Rachel, sleeping.)

Shelly: "They think whoever goes out, will have to compete to come back, and that'll be the worst and I was like (laughing)."
Shelly: "So they were like, we need to know where you're gonna vote. If we wanna vote to keep (Rachel), we'll have do a sign (to change your vote during the show)..like they control me. I said I'm voting out Lawon but they don't understand why. So they (Kalia/Dani) are gonna end up comin' after me."
Jordan doesn't think so, she thinks they'll still gun after Jeff and Rachel.
Shelly: "They think they have (Adam's vote) but they don't."
Jordan: "Porsche told (Rachel) she's voting for her (to stay)."
Shelly: "So the vote's gonna be 5-1." (*Dani would be the only vote.)
Jordan: "They need to get off their high horse."
3:13pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

The alliance gathers for a meeting. Shelly and Jordan fill Jeff/Adam in on what Dani/Kalia told Shelly about possibly wanting to switch the votes to get Rachel out instead and that they'll do a sign during the live show if they want them to switch the votes. Adam said that they told him the same thing.
Adam: "Holy sh*t!" They are f**kin' flipping (out)!"
Porsche comes out and the convo ends.
3:17am BBT:
Candy Bedroom
Kalia/Dani..then Porsche.

Dani: "Should we just risk it & keep (Rachel)?"
Kalia: (sighs) "Why does everyone wanna keep her so badly??"
Dani: "I don't know!! Just because of the twist, but still.."
Kalia: "She's gonna turn around & come right back in here."
Porsche comes in & tells the girls that Shelly/Jeff/Jordan/Adam are outside talking.
Porsche: "Obviously we're not on inside lockdown, so (the HOH comp) will be questions."
Kalia: "Oh yea."
Porsche tells Kalia she's keeping Rachel. Kalia asked her why.
Porsche: "Because of our original plan."
Kalia: "The original plan was based on thinking whoever left, would turn around & walk right back in. I don't think that's gonna happen. It's way too easy."
They continue talking. Porsche's still voting to keep Rachel.
Pretty much at this point in the night, Dani and Kalia both know they muffed up pretty bad this week & there's nothing they can do about now.
**Okay, that's it for the Overnighter!! Lawon's definitely leaving tonight. Nothing has changed.
Not much happened for the rest of the night (that I haven't already covered..like Jeff/Jordan saying they wanna get Dani out of the house). I'll be starting the morning post shortly, and then taking off around 11am BBT to go to work. Booooo! lol :P See ya in the new post at the top of the blog shortly!
Stay tuned...
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