Some of the HG's think it could be endurance, while others think it could be a physical/skill comp. I really hope it is an endurance comp (and I'm wishing upon a star that it is!!!!), but none of us will know for sure until tonight!! Either way, I highly recommend those of you who don't have the live feeds yet, to get'em now so that way you're covered for tonight. If tonight's not an endurance comp, we will definitely have one in the next couple of weeks and you'll still be covered! :)
Since BB ends in less than a month from now, you can watch the live feeds for the rest of the BB season for just $14.99!! Cheaper than a night at the movies, and a helluva lot more entertaining!! ;) (Nothing to download, takes 3 minutes to get'em up & running!)
Okay, let me go gather up the Overnighter & I'll start posting it below.
While we wait...
Here's a flashback moment for all of you that already have the feeds:
Flashback: Hot Dog Eating Contest:
Aug. 16 @ 9:31pm BBT.

**Everything posted below can viewed using the Flashback Feature on the Live Feeds!
11:45pm BBT:
Living Room
All HG's (except Rach/Bren)

The HG's are inside lockdown until tonight's live show, so they decide to cure their boredom with some games.
All HG's (except Rach/Bren) played 'Simon Says' in the living room. Shelly was 'Simon'.
Shelly: "Simon says, touch your head...simon says touch your ears.."

Meanwhile, in the Lounge Room...
Rachel/Brendon played cards, using tea bags as their cards.

12:01am BBT:

Brendon: "Even if I stayed (in the game), I'd still have to win every competition."
Rachel: "Oh I know. 'They' don't even wanna hang out with us, so obviously we'd have to win everything."
Rachel thinks it's "ridiculous" that Jeff and Jordan won't even give Brendon their votes. Rachel said that they (R/B) would vote for them to stay. (**It'd be stupid to paint a target on your back when you don't have to, Rach. Hence why J/J aren't voting for Bren to stay.)
Rachel: "(J/J) turned on us so many times! Week 2 they talked about backdooring us. Whatever. I have to win HOH."
Rachel: "No matter if I put them (J/J) up, or floaters up, it'll be f**king AMAZING!"
Rachel said she knows if she wins HOH, that Jeff/Jordan/Shelly are gonna be fake-happy and congratulate her. Brendon tells her to make 'them' squirm & make them all fight for the POV.
Rachel: "I'm gonna win HOH this week but even if I don't make it another week after this week, at least I'll make them all f**king scramble and fight & turn on each other. Him and Daniele fighting...but no matter what, I have to win HOH. I don't know. I might not do that. I might try to give myself a few more weeks. I have to win HOH or I'm gonna be going home this coming week. Everyone in the house would nominate me, even Jeff."
Brendon: "Not yet (he wouldn't). He still needs you."
Rachel: "There's only 1 month left in the game, Brendon."
Brendon: "I know but if I leave, there's still gonna be 5 more people to be evicted. They're all gonna gun for him, especially if you're gone. Because if you have him and Dani up on the block, he'll probably win the veto, if it's physical, and pull himself off, and then you put up f**kin' Jordan."
Rachel: Against Daniele? Of course. And Daniele would go home. The last POV was a non-physical & the one before that was a physical. This one will probably be a puzzle or something. Something that Daniele would be good at."
Brendon: "They'll make it something (Dani's) good at."
Rachel: "I'm good at puzzles too..."
Brendon: "I know."
Rachel said she hates going after competitors (Dani), but Brendon said that Dani sent him home "twice", so it's time for Dani to go. Brendon warns Rachel that Dani's gonna wanna use her (Rach) to her advantage after Brendon leaves.
1:15am BBT:
Kitchen Area

Jordan and Adam are dancing for K/J/D. Cute & funny flashback watch! :)
1:53am BBT:
Lounge Room

HG's played the "Alphabet Game".
Adam: "We'll do uhh..forms of transporation."
Jeff: "Anything you can ride?"
Adam: "Anything you can ride."
Adam: "Airplane."
Porsche: "Boat."
Kalia: "Car."
Jeff: "Dragon." (*lol)
3:15am BBT:
Steel & Wood Bedroom
Shelly/Jeff..then Adam

Jeff wanted to scare Adam as he went to bed, so he hid under blankets. Adam comes in and can tell Jeff is hiding, and threw a pillow at him.

Adam said he knew Jeff was in there because he saw Jeff's drinking glass. Jeff gets up, farts, then heads to the Candy Bedroom for bed.
**And that's it for The Overnighter!!! :D The HG's are gonna spend their morning getting ready for tonight's live show, then they'll go on HOH lockdown (aka 'Nap Time' for the HG's), then finish getting ready, then the feeds will cut off as the HG's do a practice run for tonight's show, and then it'll be show time at 9pm EST! :D Since Brendon's going home 100% for sure, there's not gonna be any game talking this morning. And with tonight's HOH comp possibly being an endurance comp, I'm gonna save my energy & bounce out until tonight. Meet me back here on the blog at 8:30pm EST!! And if you haven't already, get your live feeds set up & ready for tonight!!
Stay tuned...
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