12:34pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
*Keith doesn't look happy...neither does Porsche. I'm guessing from the camera man showing us them two, that the veto was not used.

It's official!
Nominations stay the same.
12:38pm BBT:

Keith told Porsche to campaign to stay, because he's gonna do the same. Porsche said she doesn't think she needs to campaign & said that she is worried that he'll use lies to campaign against her.

Posrsche: "It was a good partnership while it lasted!" (laughs)
Keith: "If I could back to the beginning, I would've totally played it differently. I trusted the wrong people. I just found out that Dom and Cassi played me and it took me a while to figure it out. He went upstairs and did a 1 week deal with Brendon and Rachel and he stabbed me in the back. I called him out yesterday on it.."
12:54pm BBT:
Most HG's

The HG's are cooking/eating/talking. The mood is very happy and light. :)

1:03pm BBT:
BY Couch

Keith told Shelly that he doesn't think he's even gonna campaign.
Adam joins the two.
Shelly said that he's giving up & encourages him to campaign.
Shelly: "This is your time to shine!"
1:10pm BBT:
Shelly is really pushing Keith to try to fight to stay.
Shelly: "If you let her (Porsche) get to you, then she has beat you mentally!"
Shelly gets up and leaves.
Adam and Keith talk.

Adam is telling Keith to fight to stay, Keith said he doesn't think he wants to stay. Adam tells him to sleep on it and if he still feels that way, then tell the house he's had fun but he's ready to go.
Meanwhile, inside..
1:18pm BBT:
Jeff/Dani/Brendon...then Shelly

Jeff said he took the best poo today in the HOH room while reading the bible.
Brendon: "You have exercised the demons!"
Jeff said that no that people are comfy in the house, dishes are gonna start piling up.
Shelly: "Really??"
Dani: "That's exactly what happens! Did you see them today?"
Shelly leaves. Dani/Brendon/Jeff talk about the 4 golden keys.
Jeff: "So there's 2 more weeks of golden keys."
(**Now that Dani has 1 key & Porsche or Keith will get one, depending on who gets evicted this week.)
Kalia enters. Jeff and Brendon are trying to figure out the details of the golden key and even Dani is questioning how the last golden key would work.

They all agree that the last golden key doesn't mean anything because the 4th key would have to extend through to week 5. (**They're confusing me. lol)
Jeff/Rachel/Adam/Dani are trying to come up with a new alliance name (instead of Dream Crushers Alliance).

Jeff: "How about 'Jeff's Jerkoffs?'" (*LOL!)
Everyone laughs.
Jordo enters.
Dani: "Who farted?"
Jordan: "I did."
Dani: "You DID?!" (laughs)
Jordan: "I was waitin' for someone to say something.."
They all leave.
Rachel & Jordo get ready to go swimming.
1:42pm BBT:
Jeff complained that there's never any ice in the freezer and wonders who's taking all the ice and not filling up the trays.
Jeff said he's gonna go see who has a ton of ice in their drinks outside. Brendon said they should evict whoever is taking all the ice. (*lol)
Jeff & Brendon head outside.
Jeff: (kinda loud) "Gee it's a hot day, wish I had some ice for my drink!"
Jeff asked where Rachel was and Brendon said upstairs going to the bathroom.

Jeff: "Oh, she's poopin'?"
(**What is it with this cast talking so openly about pooping? lol)
Most HG's are outside enjoying the nice weather:

Keith and Jeff are in the pool...

...as Brendon is laying out poolside and talking with the girls.
Cassi is inside the Have Not's room with Dom and Lawon.

**They're looking rather smitten. :)
All 3 of them are talking about maybe keeping Keith since he would be a big target once the couples are broken up. They're also talking about getting Porsche to join them since she'll be alone if Keith goes. Cassi said that Brendon/Rachel are cutting the same deals with everyone.
Adam and Porsche are talking in the kitchen.

Adam was giving advice to Porsche about campaigning, saying to state why she should be here and not why Keith should leave.
Stay tuned...
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