What happened this morning so far is:
*Brendon told Shelly about the vets meeting last night.
*He also told Shelly that they're just trying to make Dani feel comfortable and that she's not really a part of their alliance anymore.
That's about it!!
This Thursday is still rumored to be an endurance comp, but if they're not on lockdown by tomorrow early afternoon, then we'll know that it's most likely not gonna happen this week, so we'll see!! :D
By the way, in case you're wondering what Evel Dick thinks about Dani's game play, well..wonder no more:

Currently on the live feeds...
11:37am BBT:

11:39am BBT:
Backyard Couches

Now that Lawon is the vets informer, Brendon presses Lawon for some info from hanging out with Dom and Dani last night. Lawon said that Dom thinks he's going home but that he (Lawon) told him to keep fighting. Lawon also said that Dani was really quiet and didn't say much.
Brendon: "Hmm, that's not like Danielle (to be quiet)." (**..because she wasn't quiet. Lawon's just not telling you sh*t. lol)
Lawon said he'd put up Kalia if he wins HOH this week. (**He told Dani last night, he'd put up Brendon/Rachel.) Lawon said that he can't trust Kalia now that he knows Kalia wanted him out of the house & and wants her gone.
Lawon also said that he wants Dom out this week.
11:52am BBT:
Shelly is roaming around the house in her bathing suit.
*Rachel is suntanning.
*Brendon is preaching to Lawon about how to play Big Brother.
*Adam just joined Brendon/Lawon outside at the BY couches to have a smoke.
Brendon just gave a shout-out to his niece because her birthday is tomorrow.
12:06pm BBT:
Backyard Patio Area

Brendon is telling Shelly about his convo this morning with Lawon and how he wasn't giving up any info from hanging out with Dom and Dani last night. He also said he finds it suspicious that Dani didn't have anything to say while hanging out with Lawon last night.
Talk turns to non-game stuff. (Shelly is talking about how she's the middle child in her family.)
Meanwhile, inside the BB house...
Jeff is up and roaming into the kitchen as he puts his mic on.

12:14pm BBT:
*Porsche and Dom are in the bathroom, brushing their teeth.
*Rachel/Shelly are suntanning & talking.

Jeff makes his way into the backyard. Shelly & Rachel greet him and tell him "Good morning, at noon!"
Jeff: "I wish I could sleep till 3pm!"
Rachel said that she told Jordan to practice standing on a ledge for the endurance comp on Thursday, but that there's no good way to practice for an endurance comp...you just have to "just do it". Mind over matter.
12:23pm BBT:
Candy Bedroom

Dom crawled back into bed with Dani, who was sleeping. A couple minutes later, Jordan gets up for the day and leaves the room.
Dom/Dani talk about when he woke up and that he went into Diary Room for the 2nd time today.
Dani: "Wow, you're in high demand."
Dom: "Every camera in here is following me today."
12:27pm BBT:
Porsche leaves, after changing clothes under her blankets.
Dani/Dom are whisper-talking.
Dom: "Do you have a plan for me yet?"
Dani: "Mmmm.."
Dom: "I love that noise, mmmmmm."
Porsche is now outside, getting ready to tan.

Jeff is on the BY couch..

Brendon is nearby on the elliptical working out, which is making a very annoying high pitched squeaking sound.
Jeff: "They'll fix it."
Inside the house...

Jordan is telling Rachel, who's shaving her tummy at the moment, that Dani/Dom are in bed together..sleeping.
Let's see if they are!

Nope, not sleeping. Talking game.
Dom: "There's no way you're gonna win. You can't win back to back, to back."
Dani: "I have confidence in my game, and stuff."
Dani told Dom that she won 5 POV's in her season.
Kalia, who was just called into the Diary Room, walks in the bedroom and says..

Kalia: "I'm irritated, and sick of being here."
Dani thinks "they" know it's her who came up with the plan to backdoor Jeff, and they need to find someone else to blame besides her or Dom.
Kalia leaves.
Dom: "I wanna stay."
(**There's LOUD pounding behind the walls in the Candy Room.)
Dom/Dani continue to stealth-whisper. (**Grrr!!!)
1:01pm BBT:
*Feeds 1 & 2 are on Jordan/Jeff in the kitchen area.

Jeff's cooking.
Kalia just joined them.
*Feeds 3 & 4 are on Dom/Dani whispering in the Candy Bedroom.

Kalia and Jordan are talking about eating first thing in the morning when they wake up. Jordan says she rarely likes to eat right away in the mornings. Kalia, on the other hand..
Kalia: "When I wake up, I'm like, give me food!"
Back in the Candy Bedroom w/ Dani & Dom..
1:19pm BBT:
Dom is semi-teasing Dani saying that she ruined his game for him.
Dani: "Why do you think I feel so bad?"
Dom: "Because I'm going home and you're gonna miss me."
Dani: "No."
1:29pm BBT:

The girls are tanning, and talking non-game at the moment, mostly about how Porsche wants to be an actress, and Rachel moving to L.A.
Rachel: "Jordan, make Jeff move towards you!"
Jordan: "He won't move to Charlotte (North Carolina)."
Rachel: "My nail polish is melting!"
1:37pm BBT:
Dani has joined the land of the living. She just brushed her teeth in the bathroom.
**Gonna take a blogging break while things in the BB house are nice & calm. :) I'll start the Afternoon Part 2 post when I get back!
Stay tuned...
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