We have Rachel/Keith/Porsche/Brendon/Jeff/Jordan playing in tonight's POV Comp, with Adam as the host. As soon as the feeds come back (I'd say 1-2 hours approx.), I'll share the spoiler right here on the blog!!
The andorid app for the Mobile Feeds is slated to come out tonight. The app name in Market is "Big Brother" by Treemo developer. You must have the Live Feeds in order to get the mobile app.
Also, the Flashback Feeds are now up!!

8:13pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
8:15pm BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel said they're gonna keep the nominations the same & send Keith home this week.
They discuss the comp. Sounds like a big puzzle of some sort. Jeff said that Jordo is mad at him.

Jeff: "...because I told her 'Bricks don't go that way!' We never work well together. We had the same problem on The Amazing Race. It's so frustrating.."
8:22pm BBT:
Talk turns to details of the BB13 house. Rachel said there's 8 bike seats, 16 petals, etc. Rachel told Jeff that they need to Jordan to win HOH this week.

They start going over the POV Comp again. The puzzle board was magnetic.
Jordo is downstairs, she just got done taking a shower and drying her hair.
The rest of the HG's are in the kitchen area. Random chit chat all around.

8:35pm BBT
HOH Room

The 3 of them are still talking about who to get out for sure. They're still sticking with voting out Keith it seems, but flirting with other ideas as well.
They all agree that Cassi "has balls" as a player in the game, but nobody knows where her loyalty truly is in the house.
Brendon: "We just gotta get through this week."
Jeff: "I gotta get through this week with Jordan on her period, so it's gonna be a long one for me!" (*LOL!)
**Sidenote: Evel Dick's picture is now in black & white.
8:45pm BBT:
Brendon said it sucks that Rachel can't win HOH this week because he thinks the next HOH Comp will be a quiz. (**Most likely.) Jeff said that Jordan is good at those.
Brendon said even though him & Rachel have been "winning everything", he's still stressed out. He said that he's looking forward to the playing-as-duos ending in a couple of weeks.
Rachel walks in. Brendon tells Jeff that as soon as they get Dominic out of the house, then they (Jeff/Brendon) will be the best phsyical players in the house.
Rachel: "Are you saying that I'm not physcial, Brendon??"
Brendon: "No, baby! You're physical. I meant, at..speed."
Rachel gives him a funny look.
Jeff gets up to leave.

Jeff: "Well, you deal with your fire (Rachel), I gotta go deal with mine (Jordan)." (*LOL)
Jeff: "I can't take this week of crabbiness (of Jordan being on her period)."
Rachel & Brendon are saying they need to "milk this week for everything it's worth". Rachel wants to tell the newbies that they might change the noms just to shock them.

Brendon jumps in the HOH shower. They're still talking. Apparently Rachel flipped (someone?) off and quickly tried to cover it up because she didn't want people thinking she's like the Rachel that was portrayed last season.
Brendon: "Everyone saw you, babe!"
Rachel: "I know! And I tried to cover it up, but.."
Brendon is still pissed at Rachel about it. Rachel said she messed up and that she's sorry. Brendon said that they'll keep that in their memory and won't forget Rachel flipping the word after they won todays POV Comp. Rachel said she doesn't wanna fight and they tone things down.
**Okie dokie, guys & gals. I'm outta here for the night! BB After Dark is on SHO2 right now. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the feeds! :)
Oh, and I'm posting this yummy pic of Jeff because..well..I'm very happy to see him back on the feeds again. hehe ;)

Stay tuned...
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