Tonight's Live HOH Endurance Comp can *only* be seen on the live feeds! If you don't have them yet, this is the time to get'em! Takes 3 minutes to get them up & running (nothing to download!), so whatcha waiting for?
See y'all back here in a little bit!! Don't forget to bring your snacks, it's gonna be a looooooong night! ;)
9:00pm EST:
BB has started!! It's Day 27 inside the house. The duo twist ends TONIGHT!! Golden Keys also ends tonight.
9:26pm EST:
They just showed the fight from yesterday, but it was severely edited! lol If you wanna watch the real fight, ya gotta watch it on the Flashback Feeds! Start at 12:50pm BBT yesterday.
Votes for Eviction:
*Jeff votes to evict...Dom
*Jordan votes to evict...Dom
*Kalia votes to evict...Dom
*Dani votes to evict...Adam
*Brendon votes to evict...Dom
*Shelly votes to evict...Dom (its official, Dom's going home.)
*Lawon votes to evict...Dom
*Porsche votes to evict...Dom
Golden Key Holders are back in the game.
Duo's are over. Everyone play as individuals.
(Takes 3 mins to get'em up & running, nothing to download!)
Stay tuned...
Need the Live Feeds? Get'em Right Here!!!