But first...
I caught a glimpse of the Memory Wall this morning and Evel Dick's picture is still in color, not in black & white like they normally do when a HG leaves the BB house.

Will it be grayed out? If so, when? Time will tell.
And without further ado, I bring to you the newest article from Drew the Big Brother Cynic!
(Click on the pic to read it..)

In other news...
Rumors are going around that Evel Dick got elimiated for making this video before going into the BB13 house. In it, he says that he was picked to go back into the house but it wasn't released until after the premiere, so I'm not sure if he actually violated anything in his BB contact. (It's a huge no-no to tell anyone, that didn't sign a waiver, that you're going into the BB house.) Anyways, here's the video:
Evel Dick - Season 13 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
There's also rumors saying that something might have happened to his girlfriend and that's why he left. We'll eventually find out the real reason sometime soon I would imagine, but just figured I'd post the word-on-the-street for now.
I'll start the Morning post when all HG's are up and moving around. :) By the way, if you don't have BB Lite installed yet, I highly recommend you getting it. I use it to watch the live feeds (mainly because I can pin the feeds so I can surf around while I still watch the house cameras). It's free, but you still have to get the live feeds first before using it.
Stay tuned...
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