Today on the live feeds is the Have Not's Food Comp, as well as Nominations.
Let's see what the HG's were up to last night! In the meantime, take a look at Jordan's HOH Blog from last week.
**Everything posted below can viewed using the Flashback Feeds!
11:43pm BBT:
All HG's

The houseguests thought it'd be funny to throw pillows at Rachel as she came out of the Diary Room to announce 'Who wants to see my HOH room?'. The (kinda) hid and waited patiently for her to emerge..

Jeff farts really loud.
Jordan: "Jeff!! You're nastyyy!"
Jeff: "Is there a duck in here??" (*lol)
Rachel stands there for a second looking for the HG's, and then..

Everyone, including Rachel, laughs and cheers & then makes their way up to the HOH room.
11:51pm BBT:
The HOH Room reveal.

Rachel reads her HOH letter from her sister.
Rachel: "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. I get to EAT, this is awesome!" (re: her HOH basket)

Rachel: "Rachel, I can't believe it's only been a few weeks since we've been together. Everything is good here and we're all rooting and praying for you & Brendon. I know you and Brendon will go far in the competition. Rach, we all love you so much. You're beautiful, amazing, and say the least. I'm so proud of all your accomplishments."
Rachel starts to get teary eyed.
Rachel: "I don't know why I'm getting emotional!" (laughs)
Rachel: "It's from my sister. Umm.."I'm so excited to be planning our bachelorette parties. I think a cruise would be awesome! I can't wait to marry, as I'm sure you can't wait to marry Brendon. Always keep a smile on your face. I love you lots & lots. Love, your sis."
12:19am BBT:
HOH Room

Brendon tried to make Rachel feel bad by saying that he threw her the HOH comp yesterday and that he's sad that he didn't get a letter from home, and she did.
Rachel: "Brendon!"
Brendon: "What?? Just let me be a little sad! I gave up my HOH so that you could win! So you could have food! I'm just sad that I don't get to hear how my family's doing."
This is on-going, but I gotta move on with the Overnighter.
12:22am BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel: "How do we nominate?"
Brendon: "I don't think that's an issue, but.."
Rachel: "Dominic and Adam?"
Dani: "The saddest part is that Adam won't be here for his birthday and his dreams come crashing down."
Rachel said that if Adam would have won HOH, Bren/Rach would have been nom'ed. Brendon agrees and says that he'd wanna work with Dominic but he doesn't trust Adam "at all".
Rachel: "Earlier today, Dom said he was flaky with his friends..makes plans with them and then stands them up, then why wouldn't he (do that to us)."
Dani: "You said you're flaky, too!"
Rachel: "I'm not flaky like that!"
Basically, Rach/Bren wanna put up Adam/Dom, but Dani is scared that Dom could go home and is trying to not get him even nominated.
Brendon: "We're the biggest targets in the house and we're about to play as singles in this game."
Brendon said that maybe they can make a deal with Dominic, but Dani reminds him that they already do have a deal with him & to stop "threatening" him to keep Bren/Rach safe because he already made that deal.
12:48am BBT:

Kalia makes her pitch of 'Put up me & Lawon, send Lawon home, give me the last Golden Key'. She thinks that they can get Adam out next week, so just get Lawon out this week.
Moving on...
1:52am BBT:
HOH Room

Adam said that if they nom him and Dom, that Dom would fight hard for the veto & that if they didn't want Adam to go for it (so that they could get Dom out), then he wouldn't.
Brendon asked Adam what did Dom say after he won the POV last week, Adam said Dom said to take the vets out. Brenchel ask Adam what he'd do if he won the POV (and was on the block with Dom.) Adam said he'd use it to take himself off the block of course, just to be 100% safe.
After Adam leaves, Brenchal have a private convo and state that they think Adam could go to Jeff/Jordan's side and they can't have that. Brendon thinks it'd be a stupid move to put up Kalia/Lawon and toss that idea out the window. They think Dom will flip on them, and Adam too..though it appears that they might be leaning more towards getting Adam out this week.
At 3am BBT, Dani told Dom to talk to Bren/Rach because he makes them nervous and it could help him stay in the game.
Dani: "Shelly told Rachel that Cassi said that you was planning on joining up with me and some others to take out Brendon & Rachel."
Dom: "Oh great!"
Dom: "If Jeff & Jordan realize that I am working with you and Brendon & Rachel, then I'm gonna be Jeff's target!"
Dani: "They won't know."
**Okay, that's it for the Overnighter! :D Starting the morning post shortly.
Stay tuned...
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