If ya wanna watch the endurance comp, there's only 1 way to get'em & that's by getting the live feeds!! Takes 3 minutes to get'em up & running, nothing to download, and it comes with a 3 day free trial! So whatcha waiting for??
7:14pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Lawon & Adam are down.

Jordan: "My boyfriend is not goin' home, so I will be up here ALL night!"

Shelly: (to Brendon) "You okay, Big Foot?"
Brendon: "Yea I'm okay!"
Rachel: "Let's go, you guys!"
Shelly: "Let's goooo!!!"
Bring on the snow!!

Rachel: "You got it, Brendon!!"
7:25pm BBT:
Brendon looks like he's about to fall soon. He's having trouble hanging on.
7:26pm BBT:
Brendon is down. Rachel's not mad, she gave him a kiss and is being supportive. He grabbed an egg.
Nobody has picked the $10,000 egg yet. Jeff said that if Brendon doesn't get the $10,000, then he's jumping down to an egg. Jordan said to go ahead because she's doing good on the skis.

A plane flies overhead.
Shelly: "Cya, Dom!"
Jeff laughs.
7:37pm BBT:
And let the snow begin..again!! lol

Looks like Adam has to wear an Elf Suit, and Brendon is a Have Not for the week:

Adam: "Dani looks bored!"
Dani: "I am!" (She starts humming.)
Shelly is telling Jeff to jump down and grab one of the last 2 eggs, in hopes that he'll get the egg with the $10,000 in it.
Jeff: "I feel like a f**king gymnast!"
Jeff is having troubles staying on.
Jeff is down. He jumped off.

Jeff: "Good job, love!!"

Dani looks like she's sailing through this comp...

7:48pm BBT:
Jordan fell.
Shelly: Good job!"
We still have Dani, Shelly, Porsche, and Kalia up on the skis!

7:56pm BBT:
At this point, we pretty much have Dani/Kalia against Porsche/Shelly! :D

8:00pm BBT:
Porsche almost fell!
Kalia looks like she's getting worn out, fast!

Brendon: "Good job, Porsche!"
Porsche: "Thank you!"
8:08pm BBT:
Porsche is down!!

Rachel: "Come on, Shelly! Good job!"
Dani: "I'd love a glass of wine right about now."
**By the way, Jeff won the $10,000!!

8:10pm BBT:
Shelly looks to be stuggling a little bit.
8:18pm BBT:
Shelly is down!

It's only Kalia/Dani now.
Rachel is upset/sad.

Dani & Kalia are really happy, laughs, singing, smiling, etc.
Dani said they'll fight it out. Kalia is fine with that.
8:25pm BBT:
Kalia/Dani are singing, talking loudly, both are very happy & showing it.

Kalia & Dani made a deal: Dani won't put Kalia up.
Kalia dropped.
Stay tuned...
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