Okay, let me go grab some coffee & I'll go gather up the Overnighter for y'all.
Just as a reminder, everything I'm posting below can be seen on the Flashback Feeds!
9:00pm BBT:
All HG's

After being locked down for approx. 7 hours, the HG's went out into the backyard & discovered that BB had built them a golfing game that will be used in an upcoming comp. Dani said she thinks it'll be for the Food Comp this week.

11:26pm BBT:
It seemed that Kalia & Jeff had a talk (off-camera) about their fight earlier in the evening and they are all good now. :)
11:40pm BBT:
Lounge Room

Adam & Porsche talked for a while in the lounge room last night. Adam told Porsche that he doesn't know which way he's gonna vote yet. Porsche told Adam that if they keep Keith, then he's gonna be tough to get rid of later on because he's such a tough competitor.
Porsche: "I wanna be here and play on a single person level."
Adam: "I'm..uh..just playing devils advocate here, but if (Keith) stays, he's still a target."
Porsche: "Well, not for a few weeks..." (Because he'd have a Golden Key)
Adam: "I do want you stay because I think I could work with you."
Porsche: "And I need a lot of people that know about the game."
Porsche said she wants to be like Janelle.
This convo is ongoing but I must move on and finish the Overnighter.
12:01am BBT:
Dining Room Table
The (former) Have-Not's (Lawon/Kalia/Cassi/Shelly)

The Have Not's are now off of slop & free to eat anything they want. Jeff made them some food to munch on.

12:29am BBT
Living Room

Kalia told Lawon about her fight with Jeff and how afterwards, she went to lay down and pulled the covers over her head because she was so pissed at Jeff's comment. Kalia said she kept getting yelled at by production to "not sleep", but she wasn't sleeping. Kalia said she knows that if she would've kept arguing with Jeff, she would've said something that she would later on regret, so she just stopped.
12:28am BBT:
Lawon/Dom..then Cassi

Keith told Dom that he had a convo with Porsche and how she seemed confident that she's staying this week and that she thinks the vote will be a 7-2 vote for her to stay.
Dom: "That's not even the right amount of numbers! There's 11 votes!" (laughs)
Dom said that the votes will be 6-5. Keith said that he made it seem like Porsche would have Dom & Cassi's vote, just to throw her off.
1:20am BBT:
BY Couches

Keith said that the other day when Keith/Porsche were in the hot tub, that Porsche said she's gonna get the Golden Key. Porsche said she never said that. Keith said she did.
Keith: "Okay, well..that was my thought process."
Porsche: "Well that's your thought process!"
Keith then told Porsche that he's not even campaigning against Porsche. He also said that when Porsche said that (about the Golden Key), that he was ready to go into the Diary Room and just quit but he knows if he did that, he wouldn't get his stipend money and wouldn't be allowed to go to the wrap party.
1:38am BBT:
HOH Room

Jordan said she's "getting worse" as she practices the golf game in the backyard, so she's gonna take a break and try again later. She also said that Shelly was doing really good at it and thinks that she could win that comp. Jordan also said that Lawon is gonna throw the HOH because he feels safe either way.
All 5 of them then talk about who to get out next week. Jeff wants Cassi & Dom split up. Dani said she thinks if Cassi was gone, then Rachel/Dani could get Dom on their side.
...and that's it for The Overnighter!! Time for the morning post!!! :D
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