As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler below!!
While we wait..
Check out the newest article from Drew the Big Brother Cynic!
12:27pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
12:29pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

Cassi & Adam think this weeks HOH comp will be a knockout comp and if it is, then the newbies need to pin Brendan against Rachel to knock one of the out of the comp.
Cassi: "Don't be afraid to do it!"
Adam: "Oh I won't."
Cassi is telling Adam about her convo with Brendon earlier in the kitchen and how he said "You want me to draw you a picture?"
Adam: "Who said that?"
Cassi: "Brendon!"
Adam: "Be lover, not a hater. Don't let'em get to you."
Adam finishes his smoke and goes back inside.
Cassi said she wishes she could call her dad and tell him to not worry about her.
Shelly just started crying a little bit. She's trying to hold back tears. Cassi is too.
Cassi: "The hardest thing is leaving half the people in here."
12:39pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom

Rachel just got down taking a poo in the HOH bathroom.
Rachel is being extra chipper now that the POV ceremony is done. She heads towards the door, thanking them for letting her use the HOH bathroom because she "can't use the bathroom downstairs, it's not private enough".
Rachel heads towards the door and says..
Rachel: "Oh, and thanks for not nominating us even though I was a jerk."
12:43pm BBT:
Shelly is a little bit emotional. She's losing Cassi, a good friend, and she doesn't want her family to worry about her.

Shelly: "Not supposed to show your kids when you're upset. You'll learn that soon."
12:47pm BBT:
In the kitchen, the HG's are making lunch.

Cassi's crying because she misses her father. She wants to ask production if they can get a hold of her dad for her, she wants to see him on Thursday when she gets evicted.

1:04pm BBT:
Cassi & Shelly are still talking. Cassi said she doesn't wanna see Rachel or Brendon win. She also said that she thinks that Jordan kept B/R in the game because they're bigger targets in the game which would keep them safe for a little while longer.
Lawon is working out on the elliptical.
Shelly: "You look like Stevie Wonder over there.."

Lawon: "I don't wanna look at the sun and cry (as I'm working out). I don't wanna be known as a crier. I wanna be known for being HANDSOME!"
1:20pm BBT:
Backyard Couch
Dom/Cassi (Lawon is near by, still working out)

Cassi: "I had a dream last night that told me that I'm missing something & to think harder and fight to stay."
Dom: "That was me whispering to you."
Cassi: (to Lawon) "Is this guy dumb or what?"
Dom: (laughing) So what are you missing?"
Cassi: "I dunno.."
(**That Shelly is playing both sides, you need to figure it out, call her out on it, stay, and give Rachel hell!! :D )

Cassi said that Shelly keeps telling her to campaign.
Dom: "You should!"
Cassi: "I have nothing to offer to anybody!"
Dom goes inside and checks on Shelly.
1:45pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

After her Diary Room session, Shelly went into the Have Not's room to have a private cry session.
Dom enters.

Dom: "No matter if she campaigns or not, they're not gonna keep her."
Shelly: "I know."
Dom: "You want her to campagin so that she doesn't leave here regretting that she didn't?"
Shelly: "Yea."
Dom: "You guys truly like each other! It's completely understandable because you guys are real friends. It's not a game right now, its personal. This is your friend leaving the house. I kinda wanna push her to campaign, not that I don't want you to stay, but so she doesn't regret not doing it."
1:53pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

Dom and Shelly join Cassi and Adam on the backyard couches.
Shelly: "Did you decide to campagin yet?"
Cassi: "No."
Shelly is wondering why Cassi hasn't been called yet to the Diary Room.
Cassi: "Because they know I'm going home! You know I'm going home right?"
1:58pm BBT:
They talk about why Jordan didn't put up Brendon/Rachel..they'd be bigger targets.
Rachel comes out and joins the backyard crew.
Rachel: "Hey hey hey!"
BB: "Rachel, please go to the Diary Room."
Dom: "Nice talkin' to ya, Rach! Good talk."
(Rachel was out there for a whole 20 seconds. lol)
Shelly goes inside to get something to drink and tells Dani she's scared that she could go home.

Dani swore on her life and the life of her grandmother that Shelly is 100% safe this week.
Shelly is truly breaking down.

She doesn't want her daughter to see her cry. Usually she's her "rock".
Shelly: "I always tell her 'Don't cry, be tough!' and I don't want her to see me upset!"
Dani and Kalia are comforting her.
Dani: "It doesn't make you a weak person!"
Shelly: "This isn't ME! I usually just skip on! I'm the rock in my family."
Dani: "That's a lot of weight to put on your shoulders though."

Shelly said she hates that there's nowhere in the house to go and privately cry. Dani said during BB8, she would go under her covers and cry.
Rachel is there now as well & gave Shelly a hug.
2:27pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

Covo is switching from comps, to non-game related stuff.
Dom just called into the Diary Room.
Kalia is now sitting by Dani.
Brendon just woke up & joined the BY crew as well.
2:46pm BBT:
HG's are getting something to eat and/or just chilling around the kitchen area. Cassi just walked by and is heading towards the bedrooms.
2:54pm BBT:
Dom: "D, come here."

Dom made Dani's face out of Jelly Beans.

Dani: "Why do I have dreads?"
Dom: "It's not dreads! It's because your hair is always flipped to one side."
Dani: "Why do I have buck teeth?"
Dom: "They're white! How else am I supposed to do teeth?"
Dom: "I missed your face while you were in the Diary Room so I made this."
Dani calls him out for such a lame line.
Dom: "But that was a good line, though!"
**Gonna take a bloggin break. :) When I get back, I'll start the Late Afternoon/Early Evening post! :)
Stay tuned...
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