The houseguests have let boredom take them to a whole new level this afternoon. They house is currently playing a prank on Adam:
Adam is laying outside on the backyard couch, as the houseguests hide upstairs in the HOH room. Adam hasn't yet noticed that everyone is missing.

The HG's decide to turn off the lights to get Big Brother's help to yell over the loudspeaker to turn the lights back on, thus waking Adam up.

BB: "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day."
Adam wakes up & has a smoke.
Adam is up & on the move!

He goes into the kitchen and turns off the tea kettle that Cassi put on the stove.
The HG's anxiously await for Adam to wonder where everyone is.

Adam just warmed up some beef jerky in the microwave and the HG's upstaris are trying to get BB to yell at them again for the bedroom lights being turned off.

It seems that BB decided to not play along anymore because they haven't warned them about 'keeping the lights on during the day' again.
5:54pm BBT:
Adam is cooking his dinner. HG's still in HOH waiting for Adam to notice they're all missing.
6:05pm BBT:
Adam's still cooking.
HG's still in HOH, with lights off.
BB still not participating. lol
6:11pm BBT:
Adam finally done cooking his slop pancakes.
HG's still in the HOH, in total darkness.
6:14pm BBT:
Adam goes outside to eat his dinner.
6:20pm BBT:
Adam still eating.
HG's in HOH room getting antsy. Brendon seems to be the only one that cares about the prank anymore. Lots of laying around & sleeping from the others.

6:30pm BBT:
Adam is in the house, cleaning up from dinner.
More HG's are sleeping in the HOH room now. (**Take a hint, Brendon. lol)
6:35pm BBT:
Hahahaha!!! Adam talked to the camera in the backyard:

Adam: "Nobody talking, no drama, quiet..I love it! Jokes on your, bitches!
Shelly goes outside to smoke and plays dumb. She asked where everyone was and says she was in the Have Not's room sleeping and just woke up.

Adam told her it's a "nice quiet night" and that the "jokes on them".
Adam switches the subject to how Shelly's doing. (She had a mini-breakdown earlier).
6:43pm BBT:
All other HG's come out of HOH.
Prank=EPIC FAIL! lol
Jeff comes out.
Adam: "Go back up there. I was having a nice peaceful night!"
Jeff: "How much did you talk to the camera out here?"
Adam: "Just once."
6:52pm BBT:
Dom: "I just wasted 2 1/2 hours."
Rachel: "Brendon was holding us hostage!"
Adam: "I figured you guys had to eat sometime! I enjoyed it! Thanks guys."
Cassi said she fell asleep after 45 mins of waiting.

Kalia: "It was a good movie!" (re: watching Adam on the HOH cameras.)
Cassi: "It was like a bad movie that you're already into, and then after it's done, you're pissed off that you just wasted 2 hours of your time." (*lol)
Jeff thinks Adam is lying about only talking to us live feed watchers once during the whole time they were locked up in the HOH room.
Okay y'all, I'm outty for the night. If you're your dying to know what the HG's are up to tonight, all ya gotta do is go grab your *3 Free Day Trial* & you'll be up & running in 3 mins! I'll be back early in the morning (around 8:30am EST) with the Overnighter! See ya then!
Stay tuned...
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