BUT..with that being said, I think this week could be a very interesting week! Will Rachel pull the trigger and plan to backdoor Jeff/Jordan? Or will she stick with the alliance (at least until it becomes a singles game, or longer) and put up Kalia/Lawon or Dom/Adam? We'll find out as we watch the live feeds this week!!
Julie said on tonight's show that a celebrity will be visiting the HG's this week & also that there will be a "change in the game that will make the houseguests rethink their strategy". Could it be the end of the duos that's game changing? Or will they bring back an evicted houseguest? So many questions, so few answers!!
Okay, let's see what the houseguests are up to tonight on the feeds!!
A look at the feeds:

*Most HG's are in the kitchen..cooking & eating as they talk about the HOH comp.
*Dom is excited for Adam for getting off of slop in 4 1/2 hours.

Jeff is talking about how when he goes into airports, he puts his hoodie over his head and plays "Black Betty" on his ipod and walks like Johnny Depp in the movie "Blow".
(Never seen the movie? Here's the 55 second clip of what Jeff was talking about.)
7:41pm BBT:
Candy Bedroom

Dani: "Can you not moon me right now?"
Dani and Dom start back up with their flirting/bantering.
Dom said he's gonna take a nap on Dani's bed.
Dom: "Move over."

Dom: "Is them winning a good thing or a bad thing?"
Dani: "Good thing."
Dom: (inaudible)
Dani: "They're classless. It's embarrassing." (re: Rachel/Brendon winning HOH.)
Jeff walks in.
Dom: "Oh, you back in this bitch?" (re: sleeping in the candy bedroom again)
Jeff: "Yep!"
Jeff leaves.
Dom/Dani continue flirting/bantering.
Dom: "You're so mean! I told you that you looked AMAZING in your dress and you were all 'Eww!!'"
Dani: "I did not!"

Dom: "I can't wait till the endurance comp on Thursday. Hopefully it doesn't involve anything with abs, because you'll kick my butt."
Dom: "Do you miss him not being in here at all?
Dani: "Hmm, it's better that he's not here."
Dom: "In what way?"
Dani: "All ways. It's not easy to have family in here."
Dom: "Especially when it's not a functional one when coming in."
Dani: "Yep."
7:54pm BBT:
Brendon & Porsche enters the Candy Bedroom.
7:57pm BBT:
Kalia enters.
Random chit chat all around.
8:06pm BBT:

Talk is about the questions that were asked during tonights HOH comp.
Kalia: "I'm scared to be on slop again this week."
Dani: "You could fake another injury!"
Brendon/Dani/Dom: "Awww ZING!!!!"
8:12pm BBT:
Backyard Patio
Shelly/Jordan/Jeff/Adam/Lawon (..then Brendon)

Shelly asked what's the process after leaving the house & what Cassi would be doing tonight. Jeff said that she'll go to a hotel and be able to eat (she's been on slop).

Brendon comes out & shows everyone Franklin 2.0.

8:25pm BBT:
They're talking about the "Who would pee in the pool?" question during the HOH comp.
**Okay guys & gals, that's it for the day! I'll be back early in the morning with The Overnighter. I'll be posting comments all night, so feel free to keep'em coming!! :D Until then, enjoy BB After Dark on SHO2 & on the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
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