Rachel & Brendon (and the other vets) think the golf game is for an HOH comp, but they were telling the newbies last night that it's probably for a food comp, just to throw them off.
Currently on the live feeds...
8:43am BBT:

Brenchel and Shelly are still practicing. They're switching between game talk and non-game talk.

Brendon said that he doesn't trust Adam. Rachel mentioned how America will be so ticked off at the newbies if they put up Jeff/Jordan, since they're so well liked.
Shelly told Brendon/Rachel that Lawon will be voting for Keith to say because Lawon "gave his word" to Keith and doesn't wanna go against it.
8:52am BBT:

Shelly is taking a smoking break. Brendon told Shelly that they got her back "100%" in the game. Brendon then talks about how last year, Rachel based her game play on who she liked and that she played on her emotions.
8:54am BBT:
Rachel is inside, as Brendon & Shelly continue to talk and practice. Shelly said that in the game, you have to try to put emotions aside and do what's smart, which is hard to do (for Rachel) because it goes against everything you've been taught to do as a human..to be nice to someone when they tell you something sad. (Keith told Rachel a "sob story" the other day and she felt bad for him and Brendon had to tell her to get her emotions out of it & do what's smart...to get him out.)

Rachel made breakfast for her & Brendon and brought it outside for them to eat.

Shelly: "You got breakfast on the golf course!"

Shelly said it Rachel made them a "trash omelet" because it has a little bit of everything in it.
9:32am BBT:
BY Couches

Brendon and Rachel are talking about their studio apartment (which is $1200/month with parking), how Brendon's truck died 2 weeks after BB last year so they only have Rachel's car (which is new) & her car payment is $300/month, how they live paycheck to paycheck, etc. Rachel said she got a $500 speeding ticket for doing 85mph in a 65mph zone. Brendon is still eating breakfast as they all talk.
9:45am BBT:
*Keith & Adam are up.
*Rachel is in the Diary Room
*Brendon/Shelly still on BY couches talking.
10:10am BBT:
*BB HG's were woken up at 10am BBT.
*HG's are roaming around the house, getting ready for the day.

10:37am BBT:

*Rachel is working out on the elliptical.
*Shelly is on the BY couch.
*Adam is in the kitchen cooking bacon.
*Dani/Keith/Brendon are working out in the BY.
11:04am BBT:
*Dani & Rachel are still working out.
*Brendon is practicing the golf game.
*Adam/Kalia/Porsche on the BY couch, talking to Rachel.
*Shelly is in the house, cleaning.
11:32am BBT:

*Keith is on the elliptical.
*Rachel is doing stretches.
*Adam is still in the kitchen.
*Jordan & Brendon are playing with the golf set up.
*Kalia is working out; doing laps around the BB yard.
*Dom is sleeping on the bathroom couch.
*Cassi/Lawon are in the Have Not's room. (Cassi is napping.)
12:05pm BBT:
Rachel said that she'll be getting the HOH camera soon so that they can take pics. As soon as she does, I'll start a new post called "HOH Pics". :)
The feeds are still very calm. Some of the girls are getting camera-ready, while others are working out, napping, sitting around, or playing with the golf set up.

Stay tuned...
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