Since the feeds came back from the POV Comp, the feeds have been rather calm. Most HG's are napping (or already took naps) to prepare for 2nd half of their Saturday inside the BB house.
Also, I've had a few people ask in the past couple of days if the live feeds are available for the iPad & the answer is YES!, the live feeds are available for the iPad (and all other tablets). Click here to get'em! :)
This evenings post is gonna be a quickie, unless things get heated all of sudden. Let's take a look at the feeds, shall we? :)
Currently on the live feeds...
4:56pm BBT:
Backyard Lounge

All other HG's are napping, except for Kalia..who's eating in the kitchen area.
Current topic on the backyard patio is: death & money. Shelly is a firm believer in spending your own money and living your life, can't take it with you when you're gone.
Shelly: "I don't want my parents money! I want them to live their life to the fullest!"
5:00pm BBT:
Talk turns to being buried above sea level and how things were a mess during Hurricane Katrina.
Porsche is up and in the kitchen getting something to eat.

Porsche: (to Kalia) "Whatcha thinking about? You look deep in thought."
Kalia: "My friends and family. I usually think about them when I first wake up."
Porsche: "Let me know if you wanna talk or anything!"
Kalia: "Thank you!"
Porsche heads outside.
Kalia goes back to looking like she's deep in thought.

5:11pm BBT:
Backyard Patio

Talk is about today's POV comp and this weeks HOH comp (which should be an endurance comp!! w00t w00t!!) They said they asked the Diary Room is everybody can play in this weeks comp and production said yes. (Everyone except for Rachel, the outgoing HOH.)
A look at the feeds:

*Shelly is cleaning the camera windows/mirrors in the backyard.
*Jeff/Adam/Lawon/Porsche are on the BY couch, talking about 90210 (tv show).
Porsche: "What would you be doing on a Saturday afternoon (if you weren't in the BB house)?"
Adam: "Let's see..90210 is on from noon to 4pm, so I'd be watching that."
*Off Camera: Brendon is in the HOH bathroom.
5:30pm BBT:
*Jeff goes inside the house.
*Rachel is still sleeping in the HOH bed.
5:33pm BBT:
*Brendon leaves HOH. Him and Rachel exchange I Love You's before he heads downstairs.
*Brendon/Jeff are talking in the kitchen (non-game). Shelly is in the kitchen as well.
5:36pm BBT:
*Brendon & Shelly just joined Lawon/Porsche on the BY couches.
*Jeff is roaming around the house.
*All other HG's are off-camera, sleeping.
**Okay guys & gals, I'm gonna bounce offline for a little bit. I'll start posting again later tonight when there's a little more action than this. ;) lol
Stay tuned...
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