As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the winner of the veto below!
Currently on the live feeds...
3:27pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
Dani is happy as can be that her buddy Dom is staying.

Jeff is PISSED at something Rachel did/said during the comp.

Jordan said she's putting up Cassi/Shelly as the replacement nom.
Dani said she's gonna work on Dom to get his vote to get Cassi out.
Jordan: "Thanks (Jeff) for sticking up for me!" (smiling)
Jeff apparently went off on Rachel after the comp for something she said about being "competitive".
Meanwhile, Brendon is scolding Rachel...again.

Brendon: "You need to control your temper! Because when we're married.."
...and I'm switching feeds. lol
Back up to the HOH room with Jeff/Jordan/Dani
Jeff is saying that Rachel is driving everyone crazy but nobody's telling Rachel.

Jeff: "Nobody can f**king stand her!"
Dani: "I need a nap." (aka 'I wanna go talk to Dom.')
Rachel is on slop for 2 weeks.
Dani: (to Jeff) "You gonna drink wine right in front of her?" (laughing)
Dani leaves.
Shelly comes in to talk to Jeff/Jordan.
But first..
Dani goes down and tells Rachel..

Dani: "I understand where you're coming from and why you were pissed, but you gotta stop! You're killing your social game! Cassi's going home."
Brendon: "Jeff was out of line for yelling too, but Rachel is gonna be apologize."
Dani: "We got what we wanted! It's perfect!"
Back upstairs..
Jordan/Jeff told Shelly that her and Cassi are going up.

Jordan: "But you're 100% safe!!"
Shelly: "Oh I know! In a perfect world, I would want us 3 in the Final 3. Just know I'm gonna play the part (of being scared for being on the block), I'm gonna campaign for votes and play the part."
Jeff: "Yea, do that."
It's easier to beat Kalia and Lawon later on in the game.
3:58pm BBT:
Jeff is going off on how Rachel told him that she cut deals "with the whole house" that didn't involve J/J when she was HOH. Shelly thinks that they were just short term deals, nothing long term.
Meanwhile, Dani and Rachel just high-fived downstairs because Cassi's going home.
4:04pm BBT:
Shelly leaves HOH.
Cassi enters.

Cassi offered to do any kind of deal J/J wanted to do. J/J didn't really say anything. A minute later, Cassi leaves.
Jordan: "I don't wanna get rid of her!"

Jeff: "We have to..otherwise we'd have Brendon/Rachel and Dani after us. Don't say anything (about Cassi going home) until it's time. We can't keep Cassi and Dom together!"
Jordan: "Yea."
Jordan plays with the thought of Jeff/Jordan/Dani/Dom/Cassi/Kalia/Lawon joing together and getting Rachel/Brendon out.
Jeff said that's a crazy thought and that's not gonna happen.
Brendon/Rachel join Jeff/Jordo in the HOH room.

Rachel: "I'm sorry! I just get caught up in the moment."
Brendon: "The last thing we need is for all of us to be mad at each other."
Jeff: "We're 100% fine."
They talk about the POV Comp. It included gumballs.
Brendon: "We'll get Dani to pull the strings with Dom for his vote (to get Cassi out)."
Jeff: "Yea but then he'll rally the troops."
Brendon: "Dom doesn't have any troops to rally!"

4:46pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom

Jordan said she doesn't wanna be around Rachel tonight and hear her laugh. She goes on to say that Rachel's always jealous of other girls because of her fiance.
Jordan: "She needs to check her relationship if she's that insecure about it."
Jeff: "Exactly!"
Jordan: "Okay, no more talking like that. I'm done."
Jordan: "Why are we trusting Adam again?"
Jeff: "Cause I thought he was the one I could trust the most, and we were gonna send Dom home and we needed someone on our side. But if he flips again, he's done. And if I won HOH, I wouldn't have a problem putting him up."
Jordan said she feels really bad because she likes Cassi and doesn't want her to go home especially after the talk they had the other day. She's gonna tell Cassi that they (J/J) can't take on the whole house and there was too much pressure to put you guys up because you two (Dom/Cassi) are too tight."

Jeff: "Why is it okay for Rachel to talk to Porsche? But as soon as we wanna talk to somebody, we can't? Because they'd be on our side? Well it's over, she can't stay. I want her to stay! But her and Dom cannot stay together. That's it. That's the end."
Dani goes up to the HOH room:

Dani: "I have GREAT news! "
Dani said that Dom is gonna come up and make a deal with Jeff/Jordo. Dom won't put J/J up if he wins HOH and if Jeff wins HOH, and if he puts up Dom/Adam, then Adam has to go.
Dani: "This is perfect! Like, perfect!"
Jeff: "Well now we gotta flip on Adam!" (laughs)
Dani: "Dom has no other option but to do it! After Cassi goes, he has nobody! It's perfect! It's perfect! The only thing is that next weeks POV is the most important thing."
They talk about how Rachel's social game is going downhill.
Dani: "Quickly!"
Dani: "You guys have to win HOH next week. Have to, have to, have to."
5:14pm BBT:
Jordan is saying how she feels bad that she has to put up Shelly & Cassi, but that she's still gonna do it.

Talk is about floaters in the BB game and how they always get towards the end but then get picked off.
Dani & Jeff both think next weeks HOH is gonna be a question comp.
..and they're right! On, you can vote on 20 questions that will be used in next weeks HOH comp.
Dani/Jeff/Jordo go downstairs and join the rest of the HG's in the kitchen area.

Stay tuned...
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