So far, we've had a ton of information come in!! We've had the BB13 house pics revealed, the house tour w/ Julie Chen, and a shocking twist that announced Dynamic Duos from past BB seasons will be returning to the BB house this season!
Want more? You got it!!
There's a new BB13 commercial that states that there will be "3 shocking surprises"...which most likely means that to fill in the missing 6 houseguests, 3 pairs (aka "duos") from past BB seasons will be making their way into the BB house this summer to play the game all over again!

(Click the pic to play the video.)
Also, we now have the videos from Media Day up & ready for your viewing pleasure! Here they are:
The Media Day Cast:
HOH Comp:
Nominations Ceremony:
POV Comp:
Veto Ceremony:
In other news, this morning I voted on for one of the duos that I think will be returning to the BB house and here's what the poll results were:

I can't believe it...only 6 more days until BB13 begins!!! :D More info to come as I get it!
Stay tuned...
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